Destroyer x Amplifier...Dx amplifier

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Sorry to know that you've been waiting for so long for you boards. It did happen one time to me that I brought something from ebay and our custom gave me really hard time in checking those small articles - electronic parts-. Might be the officer didn't see that before and he charged me big money on taxes. Imagine how long it took me to win the battle and paid a little less taxes. Nightmare.


I am lucky that my friend gave me those heatsinks and some of them even bigger. I will show you later. My friend is a lab manager of a big electronic manufacturer and he from time to time gave me something which they didn't want to keep.
The face plate of the chassis will look a bit different from the last picture, and again I will post it later.

TAJ is a big man, a huge strong man that has a very small wife

She ordered to him to produce a better kitchen.

In his home, TAJ always say the last word.... the last word is the Boss word.

He said YES!, of course.... sorry that i have not make yet dear!


Now busy... a hell busy.

Chinese wife, very small woman , said to him.

Grrrrrrrrr!.... do that perfect!

.... and fast!

.... and without complain!

.... Now!

Taj I have a nice layout for a new version of the HRII, if you have not started yet.. It has holes for wireing an extra pair of output transistors on short umbilicals of maybe 1 and a half inch.

Also it is similar to Precision I layout with drivers, Vbe multiplier and outputsall on the main heatsink with no external boards required any more.

Of course you would need to work out dissipation on resistors etc and recalculate CCS, but I just don't have the time right now to prototype this layout, so it is just waiting here on my PC for testing and then uncle Charly's inputs...

It would also be nice to get fresh input. And you have done so much for us allready with all the PDFs I think Carlos will not be too angry at me for shareing with you.

Just let me know...

For the rest of you guys, don't even ask... it is not available yet.

EDIT: I thought I type fast.... but there you go, now I see you are up to 3 pairs allready...
Re: TAJ layout is beautifull..but seems untested into real world

destroyer X said:
At least i do not remember.



I will try this one (this summer) to compare with a DX Turbo for subwoofer use.

This time I will be experimenting with the heat transfer method.
It has been a long time since I last produced a nice looking board at home... (I typically make the ugly ones for the prototypes! :D)



diyAudio Member
Joined 2005
>>>" TAJ is a big man, a huge strong man that has a very small wife"

Hmm... I am only 5'9" tall. (172 cm?) My wife is 5' 6", only a little shorter. She can beat me up easily.

And it's not JUST her kitchen (but that's all she cares about). It's a whole house! 2 kitchens, 3 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, etc., etc. Only a couple months left, then I'll be ready to resume my amplifier projects, in my new office/lab/electronics bench room.

Nordic said:
Harry these the PSU boards I forgot to pack with your order from November?...

I think I made a balls up, I confused you with someone else from australia.... Oh well someone is getting a free set of PSU boards...

I am shipping your boards within the hour...

Nico - thanks.
If you hadn't posted them I would have got the original ones off the other guy you accidently sent them to.

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