Dangerous outlaw arrested at Texas checkpoint

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I use to work in Pigeon Forge fixing arcade machines. I know what your talking about. That's why I prefer to go to other places less populated with fatty tourons, such as Cades Cove or Black mtn, ect....and my phone is turned off. So many other secluded places to get away from it all sometimes is required for mental health.
Actually on the monitoring of the electric bills there is not anybody who does that for their job but the DEA will pay 400 bucks for each suspicious electric bill brought to their attention by electric company employees which is even worse because there are a bunch of people doing it on their own for the cash. We put about 750,000 people a year in prison (not jail but Prison) who were guilty of nothing but possession of pot. (Don't believe that nobody does hard time just for pot) That is almost a genocide in a way. I mean most of them survive but it reaks havoc on their lives and most of them are not real criminals when they go in but they are real criminals by the time they get out.

All drug laws are unconstitutional and everybody would be better off without them EXCEPT for Narcotics officers, police departments and drug dealers. But it is especially insane to make 750,000 people a year convicts who in some states (not mine but some) won't be able to vote or own a gun again just for smoking pot.

Ever heard of LEAP? Check them out. Google them. It may surprise you to find out that there are thousands of police officers, judges and prosecutors who want to legalize all drugs.

On that 100 mile zone its not really new its just larger. They always had a zone that was about 30 or 40 miles at the places I crossed but may have varied from place to place. They were generally after you left the first county in the US which is usually 30 or 40 miles into the country. For example even back in the 70s if you crosssed from Nuevo Laredo Mexico into Laredo Texas then as you leave Webb county there was (probably still is) a border patrol checkpoint. But it was not a really big deal. I never got searched one single time. My truck did a few times. But at customs (right on the Texas Mexico border) I got strip searched a few times. They looked up my *** with a flashlight and everything but fortunately didn't stick anything up it. They can if they want to. This was way before 9-11-2001.
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Interesting group, this. I concur with the libertarian thoughts here.

If my electric bill is being monitored for a sudden increase I wonder if they noticed the Audio Research amplifier? The amp plus the preamp have to pull near 500W (?). And it sounds good, so I listen to it a lot.
I will tell you exactly what would happen. After hearing about your bill they would go to a judge and get a warrant to look at your house through a FLIR pod which is often on a helicopter but they also have handleld ones. If they did not see a grow room (the heat from one actually) they would not be able to get a search warrant but they might come and knock on your door and ask you if they can search your house. They actually do that. You should not answer the door for cops or anybody who looks like they might be a cop EVER no matter what because everybody thinks they can handle that kind of situation but few of us actually can least of all me. WHat if the cops see you though the window? Don't ever answer the door no matter what. Just yell through the wondow "I do not talk to the police. If you have a warrant (they don't or they would not have knocked) go ahead and kick the door in." See most of us are basically honest people I believe. Probably anyway. Cops are trained liars. Narcotics officers are the lowest scum of the earth. Even regular cops hate Narcs. We do not stand a chance against them. They will find a way to trick you into doing whatever you were trying not to do. If you think you are too smart for them then they can trick you easier than most. 99% of the time on a "knock and talk" (that's what they call it when they show up without a warrant) if the resident opens the door they end up tricking them into giving permission for a search. One thing they love to do is tell you they have a warrant and then get you to sign a paper giving them permission to search. Remember if they knock they don't have a warrant. If they do have one read it very carefully because it very well may be fake. A real one always starts off with the words "Greetings" in Texas and they look fake. If it looks really official it is fake.

Same thing if you are not at home. Don't ever talk to the cops especially if you are innocent. There are very good reasons why every lawyer in the world will tell you do not talk to the cops.
diyAudio Member
Joined 2007
Trouble is my daughter is a police officer and every word he said is true.

Police have permission to lie if they think it will help them get the "Truth" or any information relating to an "Illegal or Unlawful" act.
Sad but true.
Never understood the fine distinction between "Illegal" and "Unlawful"
I will tell you exactly what would happen. After hearing about your bill they would go to a judge and get a warrant to look at your house through a FLIR pod which is often on a helicopter but they also have handleld ones. If they did not see a grow room (the heat from one actually) they would not be able to get a search warrant but they might come and knock on your door and ask you if they can search your house. They actually do that. You should not answer the door for cops or anybody who looks like they might be a cop EVER no matter what because everybody thinks they can handle that kind of situation but few of us actually can least of all me. WHat if the cops see you though the window? Don't ever answer the door no matter what. Just yell through the wondow "I do not talk to the police. If you have a warrant (they don't or they would not have knocked) go ahead and kick the door in." See most of us are basically honest people I believe. Probably anyway. Cops are trained liars. Narcotics officers are the lowest scum of the earth. Even regular cops hate Narcs. We do not stand a chance against them. They will find a way to trick you into doing whatever you were trying not to do. If you think you are too smart for them then they can trick you easier than most. 99% of the time on a "knock and talk" (that's what they call it when they show up without a warrant) if the resident opens the door they end up tricking them into giving permission for a search. One thing they love to do is tell you they have a warrant and then get you to sign a paper giving them permission to search. Remember if they knock they don't have a warrant. If they do have one read it very carefully because it very well may be fake. A real one always starts off with the words "Greetings" in Texas and they look fake. If it looks really official it is fake.

Same thing if you are not at home. Don't ever talk to the cops especially if you are innocent. There are very good reasons why every lawyer in the world will tell you do not talk to the cops.

For the most part, I concur. Cops seem to always look at everyone else as the 'suspect.' This is why I don't trust cops and would only call them as an absolute last resort.

It is unfortunate that this is the outlook of most folk these days, but it is the police behavior that has created this mistrust. Too many cops utilize their position of power to take advantage of others because they can and this exploitation makes them look better in the eyes of their bosses. This foments mistrust of the community and ultimately makes law enforcement less effective.

In a small town I lived in for a time it was not this way. People knew the police officers by first name and respected them because they respected the folks in the community. If you get busted doing some stupid stuff in an intoxicated state but you didn't damage anything or hurt anybody, you would get the lecture and threat of prosecution but in the end if your behavior was civilized the officer would take you home and make sure you were OK. They seemed to care about your welfare. That is not the case anymore; the cops have become militaristic and un-human. Therefore no one trusts them anymore. But like I said before it is not about maintaining peace and law anymore, it is about money and business.

Welcome to the machine! Pink Floyd

Just wait until the "Civilian Security Force as well funded and as well equiped as the miltary" is put in place, as to quote a certain current US president.:eek:

Ever read a history book?

"Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." Edmund Burke

I digress......
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