Chassis Discussion

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My fault entirely. Unfortunately since leaving Italy, where I had the new store in an "almost ready to launch" state, I've grossly underestimated my free time. Other than some long stretches during flights I haven't had any free time of extended duration to get work done that requires serious concentration.

I'm in the middle of a very heavy mix of travel, relocation and events as I shift back to living in Australia, have been for months, and will be until November 24. In the midst of this I'm trying to make time to get the new store launched and it's currently my #1 priority. I apologise to everyone for ever shifting launch date for the new store - since Nov 2 I haven't had time to take care of anything other than putting out urgent fires.

If you want a deluxe chassis in the meantime, they cannot be ordered directly from the Hifi2000 website. I don't want anyone waiting any longer, so please feel free to using this special form to order one, and I believe you can order one now. I've already pre-ordered a large amount of 4U and 5U chassis and they're now sitting at Hifi2000 waiting for the new store to be launched, pending some minor adjustments to the back panel. I'm hoping to have the new store launched within the next week, it all depends how much time I'm able to carve out. Realistically, based on my track record, this could blow out by a few weeks. After November 24 I'll have plenty of time to do serious development, but I hope I can pull a few all nighters along the way and at least get the store "soft launched" well before then. Again, apologies for all the delays and thanks to everyone for their support.
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Finally back in civilisation, have a clear schedule and can focus exclusively on getting the new store up. The whole thing hinges on 2 months of coding which was "almost" completed a month ago but as I've had to explain, I set up an impossible sequence of commitments in between. Apologies to everyone waiting. It'll be up real soon (I'm going to say this Friday, and if not, at the latest the following Friday).
Quick question to Jason or a moderator 'in the know'; does one need to secure permission to design around the UMS presented in the document linked to in the store?

I'm thinking it might be needed nice to port a modular design to the stores chassis. Just thought I'd check rather than assume anything.
Joined 2000
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Quick question to Jason or a moderator 'in the know'; does one need to secure permission to design around the UMS presented in the document linked to in the store?

I'm thinking it might be needed nice to port a modular design to the stores chassis. Just thought I'd check rather than assume anything.

Finally! :) But seriously... it was always the intention to have people leverage it to make designs more accessible. Please go right ahead. We'd love to have people using the UMS for their own projects.

BTW - store development update: Things are going well, the path has been long, many thousands of lines of code have been written and much data wrangled. Most of the Hifi2000 clan are on holiday this week and back next Monday, which seems to co-incide perfectly with when I think we'll be live with the new store.
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Joined 2000
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Is it possible to place order now?


There's nothing I'd like more than to open it up. However I don't want to have to ask customers to change their orders if we need to adjust something. We were hoping to hear back yesterday, but now it's Christmas I doubt we'll hear back until Monday. I'll post here before posting anywhere else when it does open up.