Can you polish a Solid State T%rd? It seems you can

There's SO much wrong on that YT video I don't even know where to start.
All the parameters he mentioned change sound and "feel" but he "tests" them with the finesse of an elephant in a China shop, no way to pull usable results out of that. Ugh!

But in any case, it's completely irrelevant, not sure why it is even mentioned in this thread: all elements are tube amp elements (rectifiers, power and preamp tubes, tube biasing), NONE applies to SS amps being discussed, what's the point?

And as Teemu mentioned, some of the diodes tested are not even clipping signal, no mystery they "change nothing"

As of the mixed clipping diodes used by Fender, I guess some preferred LEDs, others regular Si types, some project supervisor made both parties happy (or unhappy? ;) ) by using both.
Oh well.

Also: the bridged T RC network, as shown, is a midrange killer, not a midrange booster
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