Building the HyperSET

Joined 2021
Paid Member
this great preamp from @xrk971 has only a GB-thread, so I thought it would be cool to have a build thread too.
Even if I'm the only one who builds it AND publishes the progress :unsure: I hope with this thread to motivate the others who also bought the board.
This is there original opening post of the GB where X announced the amp (which is part of a great commercial amp)
I have the board since many months, but I have so many projects, so it took some time to start with it.

In the first step, I temporarily wired the board on a test bed to simply test whether it worked and of course to hear the sound.
And it sounded very promising.



So I decided to go all-in (or very-much-in).
Chassis work began, but as it happens, more ideas came up during construction... volume with remote control... but then I need an internal 5v converter, so I have to make a pcb... input selector with RCA and XLR inputs, but then I have to make another pcb... I made my last pcb about 30 years ago... so I planned it the old fashioned way on paper, drilled holes in the board, then drew the conductor tracks with a permanent pen and finally etched them in FeCl3. Flux and cover with solder, done. It's a lot of fun and can be completed quickly.



As you can see, the chassis is a combination of parts from @Gianluca and they will be combined with custom made front and rear panels.
And here the current status from today: SMPS, 5vdc converter, input selector, remote control and amp board working great.


Next step will be completing the chassis, and wiring everything together. I enjoy this project very much :D
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