Bob Cordell Interview: Negative Feedback

Load 3.3uF + 0.47ohm

10V/div, 5us/div

See fast oscillations behind 1st peak

(no coil, no zobel, no RC)


  • sq_rc_10v_5us.jpg
    43.7 KB · Views: 352
Re: On the need for output coils

Bob Cordell said:


Apply a 1 V p-p square wave at the input, bypassing the input LPF network, and view the square wave at the output, prior to the output coil (if one is used). First cycle overshoot should not exceed 20 percent. Each cycle of ringing should be half the value of the prior, starting with the peak-to-peak value of the cycle after the initial overshoot being no more than 10% peak-to-peak.

This would level the playing field for results among different amplifiers.

The above template suggestions are just meant to get the ball rolling.



Hi Bob,

I notice that you suggest a 1 V input.

Seems to me, that we would want to specify this as a voltage relative to the rated power of the amp. So, one condition might be an input voltage that produces an output voltage that is half power into 8 ohms. We might also want to do 10%, 90%, 110%, and perhaps 120% or 150% to cover all cases.

I find it interesting to also observe the VAS output under overload conditions.

Pete B.
Re: Re: On the need for output coils

PB2 said:

Hi Bob,

I notice that you suggest a 1 V input.

Seems to me, that we would want to specify this as a voltage relative to the rated power of the amp. So, one condition might be an input voltage that produces an output voltage that is half power into 8 ohms. We might also want to do 10%, 90%, 110%, and perhaps 120% or 150% to cover all cases.

I find it interesting to also observe the VAS output under overload conditions.

Pete B.

Hi Pete,

Actually, I think I goofed. I think that what I had in mind for this test was a small-signal check of stability (as a start). I'm pretty sure what I meant to say was apply the squarewave to the input so as to obtain 1V at the output.

Of course, it is also good to do it in a large-signal sense, probably both below and above clipping, to see if instability arises as a result of large-signal conditions, slew rate limiting, or clipping.

PMA said:
Load (3.3uF + 0.47ohm) // 4ohm

5V/div, 50us/div

Due to 4ohm resistor in parallel to R-C fast oscillations disappeared.

(no coil, no zobel, no RC)

Thick traces mean only shaking camera in my hand, not oscillations.

Thanks for providing these informative shots. I'm guessing that where you saw the oscillations, it might be where the amplifier came out of slew rate limiting, but I'm not sure. It might also have been coming out of some kind of current limiting situation. Good work. I wonder what the small-signal shots would have looked like.

Bob Cordell said:

I wonder what the small-signal shots would have looked like.


The small signal shown is about 40-45% of the maximum output amplitude. For smaller output signal, the step response starts to look exponential-like. Probably slew rate limitation or dI/dt limitation (as you have already said) causes peaking of the step response.

Re: Re: On the need for output coils

PB2 said:

I find it interesting to also observe the VAS output under overload conditions.

Pete B.

Quite so, Pete. One must just warn that sometimes the scope probe can cause an unsuspected influence, even with the 2 odd pF of a X10 probe. I check that by also looking at the output or some other low impedance point on a second trace to notice what changes when the first probe is attached. The VAS can be a sensitive point, also depending on where the probe earth goes. As said before, I was sometimes led astray by perturberances resulting purely from probe placement, especially in high bandwidth designs.
Re: Re: Re: On the need for output coils

Johan Potgieter said:

Quite so, Pete. One must just warn that sometimes the scope probe can cause an unsuspected influence, even with the 2 odd pF of a X10 probe. I check that by also looking at the output or some other low impedance point on a second trace to notice what changes when the first probe is attached. The VAS can be a sensitive point, also depending on where the probe earth goes. As said before, I was sometimes led astray by perturberances resulting purely from probe placement, especially in high bandwidth designs.

This is a very good point. At times, I have built a 1000:1 probe out of a couple of resistors right at the probe site (example 100K against 100 ohms).

PMA, I see you use the same model scope camera I do ;-) Jim Williams has some good things to say about probes in the Linear Technology Application Notes books, and in his various other books and articles. Because I move my probes between different plug-ins, I'm constantly forgetting to re-compensate them, and wondering why my waveform looks so messed up. If probe influence is a problem, maybe an FET probe would be better. I don't know their maximum voltage, but I've seen some articles to build one quite easily. I have an old Tek FET probe, but I've never tried it with audio stuff. That HF oscillation is a bit worrying, as that's what my Tiger amp would do before I sorted out the grounding and stability. It would be very interesting to see if that sort of thing is ever provoked while playing music into a real speaker load. My guess is that it isn't, since your load is so severe. In some other thread I suggested an RF detector, but I think just building a steep 20kHz hipass filter and using the scope would be sufficient. Knock out the audio, crank up the scope gain, and look for things that shouldn't be there. A four pole CLCL filter with a 1K series input resistor and 1K output resistor to ground looks good- going from in to out, 2.3 nF, .957 mH to ground, .957 nF, 2.3 mH to ground. I haven't tried this yet, but it looks good on the simulator.
Something funny happened

Something funny happened, or the spirit of Murphy scrambling things as allways.

On 5/27 Andy_c uploaded to the now defunct "audibility of output coils thread" his derivation for the effective output impedance of a given amplifier with negative back with a given OL output resistance and closed loop bandwidth. I then offered to transcribe to pdf which I did, and exchanged with Andy for proofreading, then nothing happened... I kept wondering why he did not upload ... until it dawned on me he was probably waiting for me to do the same !!!

Whatever, here it is.


  • andy_c_oz.pdf
    61.4 KB · Views: 129
Re: Something funny happened

ingrast said:
I then offered to transcribe to pdf which I did, and exchanged with Andy for proofreading, then nothing happened... I kept wondering why he did not upload ... until it dawned on me he was probably waiting for me to do the same !!!

Yup, that's what happened! :) I was also waiting to see if the "Audibility of Output Coils" thread would open back up again later.


Disabled Account
Joined 2006
Re: On the need for output coils

Bob Cordell said:
With the audibility of output coils thread effectively dead, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce a discussion of the NEED for output coils into this thread, since in many respects the need for output coils is an issue largely related to negative feedback.

The other thread of course touched on this issue in several places, but the discussion was very dispersed, and clouded by the central contrversial issue of the that thread, namely the audibility of the coil. I would suggest that discussion of the audibility be considered off-topic here so that we can focus more on the design aspects and less on subjective disagreements.

Indeed, for the purposes of this discussion, let's assume that the coil may be audible under some conditions, and that the coil is something that we would rather avoid or minimize if we can.

Let me start the ball rolling with a few comments and observations.

Some of us designers may be using them almost from a historical basis, and they may not be needed at all or as much as we think, so the need, and those conditions under which they are needed, should be re-examined.

In a related question, some have suggested that modern amplifiers that use faster output transistors may be less prone to destabilization by a non-isolated capacitive load, or, again, the size of the needed coil may be less.

By the same token, those who claim that they do not need an output coil may not be designing as conservatively for the worst case load. In other words, it may not be that their design is better or different, it just may be a different stability criteria in regard to what bad load they will tolerate.

This segways into the need for a common way of assessing the stability of an amplifier into a commonly accepted load template. For example, perhaps we can agree that the amplifier must be adequately stable into the following set of test loads:

1000 pF at the output terminals with and without 8 ohm load.

0.01 uF at the output terminals with and without 8 ohm load.

0.1 uF at the output terminals with and without 8 ohm load.

2 uF in series with 0.5 ohm with and without 8 ohm load.

In the same test, perhaps the stability template for the above conditions should be something like this:

Apply a 1 V p-p square wave at the input, bypassing the input LPF network, and view the square wave at the output, prior to the output coil (if one is used). First cycle overshoot should not exceed 20 percent. Each cycle of ringing should be half the value of the prior, starting with the peak-to-peak value of the cycle after the initial overshoot being no more than 10% peak-to-peak.

This would level the playing field for results among different amplifiers.

The above template suggestions are just meant to get the ball rolling.

There should also be some discussion that recognizes that not all of the stability issues are in regard to the global feedback loop. For example, it is well-known that emitter followers don't usually like to look directly into a capacitive load, so local VHF instability must be considered as well. This could be especially important with high-ft BJTs and MOSFETs in light of ineveitable stray inductances in the output stage layout.

Finally, there needs to be discussion of the possibility of destabilization under large-signal conditions and even clipping.


I think that one thing that needs to be mentioned about the NEED for output coils, is the fact that a typical amplifiers susceptibility to capacitive loads is directly related to the amplifiers output impedance before the application of global negative and the frequency compensation.

Theoretically, if an amplifier has an output impedance of zero prior to the application of global negative feedback, it will be able to drive any load capacitance without a loss of operating phase margin. In a high power amplifier with lots of output pairs connected in parallel, the output impedance will likely be very low, making a load-isolating coil/network superfluous as far as stability is concerned.

Suppose you have a low- medium power amplifier with only one or two output pairs, with an output resistance before the application of global negative feedback of 0.1 ohms. A 1uF load will incur a phase shift of about 52 degrees at 2MHz.
If such an amplifier has a gain crossover of 200kHz, the effects of a capacitive load will be totally negligible, but if the gain crossover frequency is 2MHz, the phase margin will be reduced significantly.

This example is idealise a bit, because it is unlikely that an output stage with an intrinsic output impedance of 0.1 ohms in the audio band will still be 0.1 ohms at 2MHz, or during high peak current load demands when BJT hfe or MOSFET gm can drop off.

Re: Re: On the need for output coils

Hi Glen,

This is a very good point, and something that I was thinking along the lines of as well. Here's maybe another way to look at it. Suppose back in the old days we had a 100 watt amplifier with one or two 2 MHz BJT output pairs in only a single-Darlinton configuration. Back then, maybe it needed 4.7 uH and 4.7 ohms.

Now, if we just apply some back-of-the-envelope scaling to it, looking at the open-loop output impedance, we get a different picture. Maybe now we have a triple Darlinton feeding 5 or 10 output pairs in a bigger amplifier. And maybe we are using faster output devices. And maybe we are not using a really high gain crossover frequency. All of those things would seem to push us in the direction of needing either a much smaller coil, or no coil at all.

It is also fair to say that an output stage that maintains its low open-loop output impedance to a higher frequency can probably use a smaller coil, if it needs one at all. This might be the case with output stages using ring emitter transistors.

In all of this, of course, we must still make very sure that there is no opportunity for a local oscillation as a result of the capacitive load as well.
