B&C Compression Driver and Horns

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salas said:

You still need to adjust the mic stand for vertical off axis I guess.

Tech section:
2 meters I use after the 1m measurement set. It gives me a better idea of the in room trends. 1m is superior for resolution. I use midpoint between woofer and HF system's rims for 0 deg most of the time. In case of a ribbon HF I point to the ribbon. In 3 ways I do the same. I.e. I point between Mid and HF rims. Anything I must do different in your opinion?

BS section:
I would like to get a servo table moving in lock with Leap and seeing the off axis 5deg dif lines popping up. No use for me, I am not producing anything and I do not need 70s KEF reference line production control standards, but I like it robotic!

For vertical I just turn the system on its side.

You are using gated measurements right? The room shouldn't be a factor at either distance.

As I said, the definition of the axis location is pretty arbitrary, but important to keep it fixed after you pick one.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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gedlee said:

For vertical I just turn the system on its side.

You are using gated measurements right? The room shouldn't be a factor at either distance.

As I said, the definition of the axis location is pretty arbitrary, but important to keep it fixed after you pick one.

I use gated and RTA. Gated up close for analysis and sims, and further away RTA so to evaluate how the system translates in rooms in many listening positions.
Joined 2003
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gedlee said:

Thats not really fair. Your assuming that I don't know the JBL produtcs and technologies. I used JBLs for twenty years in my own system - I know their products well. Your base of comparison is old technology not new technology. And if its the sound of the older horns that you like then I would suspect that these devices would please you.

But newer approaches yield devices that DON'T sound like the older horns. You may not like that, but a lot of people don't like the older sound. I was one of these people. In blind tests (using JBL horns) people all prefered the newer designs to the JBLs. No one guessed that the newer designs were even horns (waveguides actually), but everyone knew that the JBLs were horns. They have a very distinct sound character.

My relutance to "try one" has to do with time - I don't have as much as I need. I can't just try out everything. I would be willing to test this device on the drivers that I have (DE250 or DE25 or DE500) if someone could get one of the horns to me in a few days. I'd pay for it thats not a problem, but time is. I would think that it would be worth the ten bucks to you to see the data that you asked me for!!

I use my living room for measurements and I have to setup and tear down each time I want to do a set of measurements. Its a real hassle. I am actually setup right now and if I got a horn in the next few days then I could, and promise that I would, do a full set of polars on it and then they could be compared to a modern waveguide - I have lots of data on those.

Beyond this, I simply don't have the time to do it.

I don't have any thread on drivers so if thats all the JBL horn takes then its a problem for me.

Now your not being fair. These were not available 20 years ago and you havent tried them. You can say they are old technology but they are not. Yes I like the older 511B, but I've also said that this horn/wave guide is nothing like it. No comparison at all. We all have our priorities and agendas, and make time for what is in our own best interests, or what we each see as being worthwhile. Nothing wrong with that. Based on your predjudices against the older technology, I would think you would embrace this newer version. (Jbl has moved away from that older technology, and this is the result of some of that.)
Instead, you lump it into a category that you are comfortable with and claim you have moved on from that. Sorry, saying that does not make it so, now or 20 years ago. I have the utmost respect for what you have done in the field and again, are certainly entitled to your opinions.

Dont know why people ignore everything thats right in front of them, but thats certainly their right to do as well. One can spend a whole lot on any number of high frequency tops and spend a lot more money for something no better, and in most cases not as good as this giant killer.

These wave guides are not dated technology, but as has already been stated are some of JBLs latest work. Its unfortunate that you dont have time or drivers to try it, I would love to see the results you come up with. In the men time, I will continue to enjoy this unbelieveably great (and inexpensive) wave guide.

Obviously you are not interested, and that's fine, I will stop requesting otherwise, but many are, and to you who are, you will be pleasantly surprised by the spectacular results this set up is capable of. It certainly does not deserve the careless catagorization and dismissal it has been repeatedly given by Mr. Geddes, but he like all of us, is certainly entitled.

Godzilla said:
>>> Here is the B&C ME10 little guy on the DE10 compression driver. No on-axis equalization needed...

Thanks for posting that Kevin. I was looking at this driver combo because it's innexpensive and looks to be good quality. I like how the horn looks to be designed for the driver.

Have you listened to this in a home setting? How does it sound as a home speaker system?


Not yet.... just measured them yesterday. I have the crossover built and I'll be putting on some music today. I don't do subjective evaluations though.

I'm impressed with the build quality of the B&C. It is an inexpensive driver but looks as nice as any of the expensive compression drivers laying around. The FR on that horn is certainly smooth and it makes for an easy design. Like most compression drivers it doesn't have response out to 30K so you won't be able to enjoy your SACDs with the family dog but it nails the most important part of the response in terms of FR linearity.
Saurav said:

Is the speaker you're bringing to VSAC going to have this DE10/ME10 combination on top of the Eminence 6"?

Yea... same one. The midrange measured above is the Eminence Alpa 6 with a slightly different cone. Wish I had stepped up and bought a pair of Delat Pro 8As early enough to do the show. It would BARELY fit on the baffle but would give me another 2-3dB of output in the midrange which would have been handy for the SET amps.
EconoWave Measurements

gedlee said:
My relutance to "try one" has to do with time - I don't have as much as I need. I can't just try out everything. I would be willing to test this device on the drivers that I have (DE250 or DE25 or DE500) if someone could get one of the horns to me in a few days. I'd pay for it thats not a problem, but time is. I would think that it would be worth the ten bucks to you to see the data that you asked me for!!

I have just eMailed you for shipping information.

We'll send you a pair of the JBL waveguides and Selenium D220Ti drivers to measure immediately.... :yes:
Joined 2003
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Godzilla said:
>>> B&C ME10 little guy on the DE10 compression driver...

Do you think you can mate that tweeter/horn with a 10 or 12 inch driver? Does it go low enough? Or do you need to use 6 and 8 inch woofers with it? I'd love to hear it and thanks for your measurements.


You betcha. Most are useing 12 inchers,I am using 15 inch JBL. Basically your driver needs to playwell to the crossover point, ( some 12 inch JBL drivers did better with the 900 Hz crossoverpoint) and there's been a little bit of everything tried with them. The thread is long, but is a must read, all sorts of info is in there to be gleened.

whoops, sorry, I thought you meant the econo wave. Kevin your speaker is most interesting, and demonstrates how great sound can be obtained for reasonable money.

Russellc said:
These were not available 20 years ago and you havent tried them. You can say they are old technology but they are not. Yes ... Based on your predjudices against the older technology, I would think you would embrace this newer version.

These wave guides are not dated technology, but as has already been stated are some of JBLs latest work. Its unfortunate that you dont have time or drivers to try it, I would love to see the results you come up with.

We will have to disagree on this point. To me these are old technology with a few minor modifications. There are not waveguides - they are horns.
Godzilla said:
>>> DB&C ME10 little guy on the DE10 compression driver...

Do you think you can mate that tweeter/horn with a 10 or 12 inch driver?

Only if they are suitable for at least a >7 kHz XO point to push it above our most acute hearing BW IMO. A good rule-of-thumb is horn mouth area be at least = the matching direct radiator's 'Sd', or ~6.5" frame size max with this horn. This allows a ~2330 Hz XO point if one accepts the ~1 WL rule-of-thumb max spacing, or to look at it another way, its 1500 Hz cut-off dictates a ~2121 Hz minimum XO point, which puts us at ~ the same frame size. Regardless, it's well into what I consider a XO's 'no man's land', so all things considered I don't see it as suitable for a high SQ HIFI or HT app two way.

ZilchLab said:
Call the distributor, US Speaker, to order.

The specs say the 4550 plays a bit lower, and measurements confirm that.

4552nd does seem to have more clarity at the high end.

[It's also way cool.... ;) ]

Thanks for that. So the JBL drivers are not worth the extra outlay? I always thought it would be nice to have an all JBL system, however it seems that perhaps there is better value to be had elsewhere.
ZilchLab said:
While it might comprise a substantial compromise of your policy against expressing subjective opinion, we'd hope you'll also give consideration to telling us how they sound, as well.... ;)

There is no way that I could or would do that. I will measure the drivers and horns on my rotaing table and design a crossover in software. Thats all I can do. Listening to them would be pointless. They won't be in systems.
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