Aleph J Schematic they are not except few seconds after turn on but after..dead silent, the trafos and speakers too (ear @ below ~3cm distance )

forgot to mention that at one trafo the turn on noise is greather than at the other that practically has it very low almost insatiable

could this be due to secondary windings that are tied missmatched ? or it doesn`t count this...
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you know - mumbojumbo

Once the word gets out, it will become the NoName brand.
Within a couple of years, they'd have to expand and move to a larger manufacturing facility, get a PR & advertising budget, hire a BS manager.
A decade later, revenue will collapse due to the discovery of a noname shop elsewhere.
Some years further down the 25km road, it will go broke, and the CEO hangs himself in a cheap hotelroom.
misery of soul

The g/f told me, when she was working for doctors without borders in Cameroun, the man of the house was lying on his anus Africanus in front of his straw-roof hut all day.
Single activity he did was home-brew his bil-bil ale now and then.

30 years later and 5500 miles to the west, an item high on the luxury list is a Palapa.
Which is a palm leaf cover, to lie under all-day, with a Polaris beer, on one's anus Europaeus.

Same same.
Me, I had brecky out in the sun this morning, 1st time this season.
Home-brew croissants with goat cheese & Spanish ham-on, with fresh-press orange juice.
Me have bath-robe, but forgot where I left the belt, so willy gets a tan too.

Endless transformer swapping is full wallet and empty soul.
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finally !

I replaced original panasonic fc that I was using with elna silmic II and bypassed them with 2,2uf mkc as Master Zen recommended.the new caps are already burned in :D , since when I got them untill now, when I decided to replace them(almost two months) I kept them @12V, filtering my dac ps, which consists of lithium cells.
my dc offset is somewhere @ ~50-60mV.I was using pots for offset adjustment and got C1 shorted, don`t know exactlly which of these got my offset oscilating ~80mV and for this I renounced at the pots and unshorted my offset oscillates only few mV , below 10.
the bias will remain the same 1.6A/fet , don`t want no more to hear from pots in my very stable amps :D

what I can say about the sound is that is marvelous, seems like these caps are making a difference



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