18 inch bassreflex design 18XL2000

Last year I designed a single 18 inch cabinet for the (relatively) new Faital Pro 18XL2000.
The result was a compact (for its performance) single 18" cabinet with a measured F3 of 32Hz and outer dimensions of 52x65x75cm (without wheels).
To keep portlosses low, the port area is almost 0,5 x Sd.

Its possibly suitable for several other drivers (strong motor, large xmax).

REW outside measurement:

Link for the 3d file:
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I have a new 18XL2000 laying around, which max noises from the motor or suspension.
I tried it in a 250l low tuned setup for HT use.
It is not hearable when you have running the whole system, but it is audible when you only run the sub.
Have you also noticed noises from the motor?
I can´t open the 3D file, but if you write the port height and length, I can simulate it and will probably build your box or try a TH with the Faital.
I have not heard any noise from the motor, its usecase is also PA and not HT use, so mostly high levels in play and enough background noises.
Eventually some chuffing is normal, its done on purpose to extra cool the motor/VC.

You want to tune it lower? If so, the current port runs almost against the back wall, if you aim at tuning much lower you will have to bend the port which creates losses.

132mm width, 448 heigth, 544mm length.
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No I do not want to chnage the tuning. Only want to change the front and probably the port area a little bit, to make the sub fit more to my others, wich are h60xw50xxd70cm
The noise was coming from the spider and from the leads.
If i put one finger on the leads and another on the spider the noise was nearly gone, then you could only hear the chuffing from the VC cooling.
But it was only audible in the range of 15-25Hz. Probably some resonance.
Yeah I know about the handles, I still tried to make them as slim as possible. Did some higher voltage measurements on a demo cab some while ago and response stayed nice and even. All current four will be equipped with some plate amps in the coming weeks. So another afternoon of measurements will be completed. Will post some stuff on here when done.

I simulated it mostly with hornresp, eventhough i needed to do a port correction due to the adjecent walls. So just putting in the raw numbers in hornresp, will not give the same results as in practise.
To give a quick update:
No new measurements extra as of yet due to not having a working RS485 adapter...

However, did finish up the cabs with amp modules:

Each sub (4 in total) have to extra channels which can power some tops. Being it Sub+Top, Sub+Sub+top or a 2.1 setup, no problem.
Sound is good, go low and still sound tight and behaved.
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To give a quick update:
No new measurements extra as of yet due to not having a working RS485 adapter...

However, did finish up the cabs with amp modules:

Each sub (4 in total) have to extra channels which can power some tops. Being it Sub+Top, Sub+Sub+top or a 2.1 setup, no problem.
Sound is good, go low and still sound tight and behaved.
Looks sick!!! The ks118 killer!! 🥳