100W Ultimate Fidelity Amplifier

Hi Rick,

I see that you say that those two 680R resistors measure alright but are they browned? Just because they still measure doesn't mean they didn't get hot. It might just be that the 47R went first before they got hot enough to fail. I can't find the schematic for the MK2. Double check that you have all the right transistors in the right place and that the layout matches the schematic. I can't think of anything else right now.
Can anyone help me with this. The 47R resistor outlined in Red Burns up Instantly upon power up. I am using +- 44V rails with 10R/5W resistors in each rail and .5a fuses. I have checked all of the other Transistors & all Test OK.

On this pcb there is wrong polarity on 2N5551... use BC546 or reverted 2N5551 pins (E-B-C to C-B-E)... and use 0,22R/5W instead 22R/5W

100W with OP and 2 outputs... just for fun.


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