Does this explain what generates gravity?

I should have included that the leakage of gravity from our brane into the bulk can explain its weakness compared to the other fundamental forces.

Finding an answer to why gravity is so much weaker than the other fundamental forces is known as the 'Hierarchy Problem'.

Happily, this extra post also gives me the opportunity to reintroduce my concept of a brane:


'Brane World Scenarios':

Does the idea of brane worlds predict the possibility of escaping our universe and travelling to a universe on another brane?


I'll guess NO! :D
I don’t understand the whole thing about trying to unify GR and QM. These were unified at the start of the universe just prior to and during and just after the inflationary epoch. At some point during the process, the various forces decoupled (called a ‘phase change’ by physicists) and we subsequently end up with the 4 forces we see now.

Before the forces decoupled from one another gravity must have had the same strength as the other three fundamental forces.

According to the brane world scenario, gravity's strength catches up with other forces when its effects are considered over small enough distances.

That's why physicists are starting to measure the strength of gravity over sub-millimetre distances.

There is as much confusion, outrageous ideas and downright fantasy in bleeding edge theoretical physics IMV as there is in every other walk of life.

Fantastical ideas indeed!


It's the physics of a 'Brane New World'! :D
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The problem I have with this stuff is that none of it is testable. And as long as it remains untested or non-testable, it is purely conjecture. Kurt Godel showed that in any mathematical proof, there was at least one unprovable assumption, in contrast to the work of Russell, Hilbert and Wittgenstein who had tried to put mathematics on an unimpeachable footing wrt formal proofs. Now, I'm not saying math is no good, on the contrary, all I'm saying is you have to tread lightly and this is where Einstein provides a role model because he used what Jurgen Renn called the 'correspondence' principle (not the same as the general correspondence term used in physics) to link physical reality (observations) back to his theory - i.e. it was testable and GR field equations make very accurate predictions.


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Separately, just got this (I'm signed up to JWST updates)

Looks like they found organic molecules in the gas and dust around a protostar which has not yet had time for planets to form in the accretion disc - so the molecules which are the basis for life-forming organisms are already present in the gas and dust around the protostar. I read a few weeks ago that they found fossilized bacteria from 4.1 GYA in Greenland, at least 300 MY older than the generally accepted 3.8 GYA emergence of life. If so, one can wonder if Earth was seeded by these compounds as it formed - they did not have to arise on the planet itself which is where mainstream science from what I can tell, thinks it does (this is not the same as panspermia BTW).
The problem I have with this stuff is that none of it is testable.

As Sabine Hossenfelder said, "If it’s not testable, it’s not science".

Einstein provides a role model because he used what Jurgen Renn called the 'correspondence' principle' (not the same as the general correspondence term used in physics) to link physical reality (observations) back to his theory.

Is this the Jürgen Renn who studies the Anthropocene Epoch (the period in Earth's history impacted by human activity) with regard to the evolution of science and mechanics, as well as being interested in general relativity and quantum theory?
Looks like they found organic molecules in the gas and dust around a protostar...

Raise your glasses - alcohol found in space!


Eighteen years ago, astronomers at Jodrell Bank discovered a giant cloud of methyl alcohol, spanning approximately 288 billion miles, wrapped around a stellar nursery in our galaxy. miles, wrapped around a stellar nursery.


The methanol is represented by the red and green contours in the above image.

Unfortunately, unlike the ethanol detected in the latest discovery, methanol is not suitable for human consumption!
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Raise your glasses - alcohol found in space!

View attachment 1285616

Eighteen years ago, astronomers at Jodrell Bank discovered a giant cloud of methyl alcohol, spanning approximately 288 billion miles, wrapped around a stellar nursery in our galaxy. based at Jodrell Bank Observatory have discovered,288 billion miles, wrapped around a stellar nursery.

View attachment 1285622

The methanol is represented by the red and green contours in the above image.

Unfortunately, unlike the ethanol detected in the latest discovery, methanol is not suitable for human consumption!
Might there be a link pretty please?

I might have found it :)

I think that's the one. Krauss and Dawkins have done quite a few shows together. They did one in Australia a few yrs back - Krauss is a very funny guy.
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Following your Star Trek reference, I've noticed that 'phonon laser' can be shortened to 'phaser'!

Spooky or what?

View attachment 1286468
Those don’t make much music. Just a high pitched whine before the explosion, when placed on overload.
What I was getting as was something pin-point size being used to generate sound. If you follow/obey Hoffman that would require insane amounts of power to get da BHASS, mahn!
Andrei Linde, the Russian-American cosmologist.

From the Wiki link: "During 1972 to 1976, David Kirzhnits and Andrei Linde developed a theory of cosmological phase transitions".

The hypothesis is that as the universe expanded and cooled the fundamental forces separated from each other at certain 'transition temperatures'.

The force separations are known as 'cosmological phase transitions' and can be likened to the phase changes involved in condensing and freezing.


Gravity was the first force to separate from the other fundamental forces because it was the weakest.
Renata Kallosh

According to your Wiki link, "Kallosh is best known for her contributions to the theory of supergravity".

A quick search reveals that supergravity combines general relativity with supersymmetry and its field quantum is our old friend the graviton.

Only a boffin like Kallosh would understand that supergravity with N=8 supersymmetry is finite at least up to 8 loops! o_O


Unsurprisingly, "Kallosh is the author of many papers on black hole solutions in supergravity theories".