Aleph J illustrated build guide

After I posted my last comment I figured I’m working from home so why not just plug the amp in and let it bake. I had it one for a little over 6hrs. I have my bias at .420 and run mine hot to the point my sinks fluctuate between 55-57 degrees Celsius. My unloaded rails are a little over 29 volts and after measuring the temp on my transformer, it got no hotter than 50 degrees Celsius
Thanks for taking time to make this measurement.
Your transformer is a 300VA, too?
Another Aleph born! Was honestly semi-dreading powering it up for fear I'd be unfortunate and have to troubleshoot a problem with everyone's kind help here. Got lucky I suppose in that the first time ever picking up a soldering iron for real that everything worked. Posted a thread here with some things that I learned applicable to any build but thought I'd come here and share a few more photos of the build and to share the full google album to this thread if it might be of any help to anyone.

Thanks of course to 6L6 for his efforts and willigness to talk to me and answer a couple of clueless texts on the way.

Also will note that for new builders, and I can only reference my build, but don't worry about the turn off/on thump. It is extremely soft and gentle on my 98db speakers.

edit: Note that I have the WRONG pot in R8. It is replaced with a 1k resistor.
Also note that the BOM on the store is out of date. Please use the one in the first post of this thread!
Maybe someone can get them to update it at the store? I know I've read at least 4-5 posts in addition to mine noting issues with the build due to this error.



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Awesome build!! I LOVE my AJ. Congrats. What are you building next???? :D:D

Thanks you and ha on what next!

Not sure at this point. The aleph is dead quiet for me but does amplify a small hum I've had on my preamp that has never bugged me until now with a little more power.

I did intentionally build this dual mono with the thought of building another amp to create switchable monoblocks and not have to worry about building a matching PSU later. Still not entirely sure if/when/what that next thing will be but have been considering F4 and M2X w/MV. I'm open to suggestions :).
Though I really do need more time to listen to the aleph to see what I think. Lots of things to enjoy about it but the 45 tube amp while low in power does really excel at midrange and presence.
Very tidy looking build. I like to see a chassis that is properly full. ;)
I love my Aleph J, and it is playing in my system most of the time. An amp that does things a little differently is the F6. There are also some interesting tweaks that a few of us have made to the design that put it in a different territory than the AJ. It should work well with the chassis an PSU that you already have, though I would recommend keeping the AJ as a reference.
Thanks you and ha on what next!

Not sure at this point. The aleph is dead quiet for me but does amplify a small hum I've had on my preamp that has never bugged me until now with a little more power.

I did intentionally build this dual mono with the thought of building another amp to create switchable monoblocks and not have to worry about building a matching PSU later. Still not entirely sure if/when/what that next thing will be but have been considering F4 and M2X w/MV. I'm open to suggestions :).
Though I really do need more time to listen to the aleph to see what I think. Lots of things to enjoy about it but the 45 tube amp while low in power does really excel at midrange and presence.

F4! You can use your 45 tube amp in conjunction w the F4 to increase power and still keep that 45 goodness sound clarity
Joined 2019
Paid Member
Nice build Pechelman! I ended up stacking my PSUs, but good to see I could have gone with this layout too (I debated it.) I’ve built a few other amps, but I always come back to the AJ. A fantastic sounding amp. Another +1 for the F6 as a great compliment to AJ.
Yes it’s a 300va, 2x20v toroidy audio supreme. Mine is also mounted vertically like yours but the only difference is mine faces the inside of the chassis while yours faces the front plate. Maybe it isn’t getting enough cooling facing in that direction
This morning, I reversed the mounting bracket so now my transformer is facing the inside of the chassis, like yours.
Temperature after 7h is now 60°C. That's 6°C less then before.

Well, I'll stay like this for the time being (after all, I had no problems for 5 years). Maybe I'll buy a 400VA Toroïdy after the lockdown.
Very tidy looking build. I like to see a chassis that is properly full. ;)
Right on, dual mono PS from the get go. Very nice looking build.
I love my Aleph J........ I would recommend keeping the AJ as a reference.
I was going to use my chassis/PS for different Pass DIY amp boards, but after listening to my AJ, I hate the thought of touching it.
Accordingly, diyaudio pennies are being saved up to build another dual mono PS chassis for board swapping. Already have the parts for SissySIT and M2x.
This morning, I reversed the mounting bracket so now my transformer is facing the inside of the chassis, like yours.
Temperature after 7h is now 60°C. That's 6°C less then before.

Well, I'll stay like this for the time being (after all, I had no problems for 5 years). Maybe I'll buy a 400VA Toroïdy after the lockdown.

Glad the temps reduced. A tad bit high but definitely better. I ended up buying 2 of the 400va versions as well. I used one in my F4 and have the other sitting in the closet if I ever choose to build another design. Gotta get back to some other projects and building out a proper working station. The kitchen table isn’t cutting it any longer ha
Joined 2011
Paid Member
You may want to plug your amp into an AC mains wattmeter similar to this one on Amazon's French website. If your transformer is heating up because your mounting system accidentally creates a "shorted turn", the wattmeter will show abnormally high mains power.

See Figure 9.4 of this article by Douglas Self for an illustrative example.



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You may want to plug your amp into an AC mains wattmeter similar to this one on Amazon's French website. If your transformer is heating up because your mounting system accidentally creates a "shorted turn", the wattmeter will show abnormally high mains power.

See Figure 9.4 of this article by Douglas Self for an illustrative example.

I could try the wattmeter. Good idea.

The mounting of my transformer is really simple: it has a threaded hole so I just put screw in it to mount it on the bracket.
((This is not my tranformer, this picture is just for illustration)
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I pulled the MOSFETs from the bad board and put them in the Mega 328 variant I have. The MOSFETs with the bubbling on the back tested as resistors, while the smooth ones tested as n-channel MOSFETs. I take this to mean that the two MOSFETs with the bubbling on back are toast. I checked with the DIYAudio store and they don't have any matched sets, nor do they expect to have any soon (3-4 months). Mouser does have the MOSFETs at about $2.32 each. How many do builders recommend I purchase to match them? 10? 20? Or does anyone have a matched quad they be interested in selling me?

If I do need to match them myself can I use the Mega or do I use the 9v battery/DMM method Jim demonstrated in several places (M2x forum, Pearl2 forum), or something else? Also, I don't know which variant I have now (ON Semi or Vishay - I purchased them from the DIYAudio store). The spec sheets of each is a little different, particularly the voltage of the part. I'm not sure if this matters.Do all eight need to be matched or can each board have a matched quad that may not match the other board?

I'm worried that the toast MOSFETs are a symptom of something else, but I don't know what else i can test while the parts are out.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


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