Flat Earthers

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Not a complaint
Good 'cause I don't like those.

Kevin, in every house there's a junk drawer. It's not junk, it's just a jumble of many different perfectly good and useful items. They're just not sorted well, and they can remain like that for years without anyone really minding, as they don't cause any harm.

We might want to call those Lounge drawers.
I remember being given a 105E estate, the sills and floor pans had rusted through but I managed to hang on to it for 2 years by getting dodgy MOT's
It was possible to buy really thin gauge sills and box sections that fitted over the old rusted ones, I'm not sure that they fooled the inspectors.
They didn't care in those days! The 105E looked great, sad but at the same time friendly, they were used as police cars here, not sure what that was about
its funny this thread keeps poppin up here. flat earth is a miss understanding. nothing more. the ancients knew that the world was flat. and someone has interpreted this wrong. here are some pics of our flat world (you can see it for yourself at night, its the Milky Way and its a flattened disc spiral)
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

here are some of the latest drawings of it in New Grange

i really feel sorry for the scholars of the universities. they cant even figure out something simple like that. they ignore the fact that our ancestor knew the difference between the sky and the firmament.

Albert Einstein — 'Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I' m not sure about the universe.'
I’ve climbed moutains , clearly not flat. Hiked down mine shafts, not flat. Where does oil or molten lava come from? How thick is the earth? Whats on the other side? The moon, also not flat.

Spiral galaxies also not flat, they are said to spin as a disc shape due to conservation of angular momentum. There are other types of galaxies, like eliptical galaxies that have sperical shapes. Or irregular galaxies that often form as a result of spiral gallaxies that have collided.

Galaxies | Science Mission Directorate

Galaxies of All Shapes and Sizes | NASA

Presely said:
Albert Einstein — 'Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I' m not sure about the universe.'

Funny you should refer to that quote.

It is not about stupidity though ... and mostly about strongly held beliefs that people won’t question.
You know if 9.81 mS^2 = C in 354 days is something I must calculate as that is facinating. For now I will take it as fact. It also gives you an idea of how we might with no trouble take the most fragile on a near light speed journey. It would even allow a very sensible look at the Solar System first. The distances almost look to fit.

The problem with all of this is the Flat Earthers force us to say what we really know. At some point we have to trust the giant shoulders we stand upon. I have to my own satisfaction proved that S = uT + 1/2at^2. I have also found the specific heat capacity of water to translate to the kWH it should relate to and found a very good agreement with a lab experiment done with an insulated domestic water tank. In a crude way I have tested the speed of light when tuning aerial designs. One thing I can't prove is that GPS isn't just using mobile phone masts. I can prove that things made by man are more than 400 miles from Earth as I have put up a few saterlite dishes and the angle changes are what they should be and are far further than 400 miles to work, that is even before saying they never move. In fact it would need more satelites for TV if only 400 miles than the ones said not to exist for GPS. Science that gets my greatest respect is usually very simple and needs no adjustment or fiddle factors. Flat Earth would need endless adjustments and fiddle factors.
You know if 9.81 mS^2 = C in 354 days is something I must calculate as that is facinating. For now I will take it as fact. It also gives you an idea of how we might with no trouble take the most fragile on a near light speed journey.

There is that minor problem of the effective mass of a body in motion increasing towards infinity as velocity increases toward C. Just need to work out that little infinite source of energy technical problem and there you go.
There is that minor problem of the effective mass of a body in motion increasing towards infinity as velocity increases toward C. Just need to work out that little infinite source of energy technical problem and there you go.

I did the maths and yes it works! I had never stopped to think it's that simple.

You know it would be spooky if allowing for the effects at very near C it was 365.2422 days. Bad enough Quantum stuff is messing with the Flat earth.

I was thinking whilst brushing my teeth. Would a constant 1G be OK. It makes going to Warp 2 a killer in the time Mr Scott has to do it. Or is that the beauty of >C that all bets are off. Do you know if the Area 51 lovers are right a few who read this actually know . Just kidding, it's area 52 these days.

The GPS wasn't about before mobile phones or not. It's just I have no proof I could give in an instant to say to a person like that by simple maths it is wrong. The saterlite TV thing I can draw reasonably well. A bit like a vanishing point in art. From that I can infer that the " saterlites don't exist " arguements are false.

I was told by my neighbour that me charging a lead acid battery on concrete would never work. When I said how come he said his brother had told him and his brother was smart. He was repairing F1-11 at the time. I noticed he was demoted to the tire shop ( I would say tyre ). In later life he joined the Police ( yikes ). I think he would believe the Flat Earth. He told me I resembled this weird guy called Stephen King who was trouble where he lived. That's right, the actual one. Stephen it must be murder there.
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OTOH, I would think that it was worse a few centuries ago. People believed all kinds of things that could not be proven at all. Witch trials anyone?

So it might be a human condition to believe things on the strength of a good story and a trusted person (religion anyone?).

If that is the case, why would the internet and free factual information change any of this?

After all, the scientific method is very unnatural to most people. Trying to proof yourself wrong as a test of facts? Really?

Yes, people believed to a lot of things also in the near future and are easy manipulated and they don't have to be stupid or uneducated...for instance there are lot of educated experts working for nato, and I've never heard anyone asking why they use depleted uranium when bombarding some country, clasic bombs arn't destructive enough or is it some other reason...I guess scientific method is very unnatural to most people,ther's got to be some science benith it that uneducated people don't understand? For this, you have only 20 years old example in europe so it is not "conspiracy theory".
Btw, to leave shape of the earth alone, anyone who wants to see, there are countless videos on the youtube, from ISS where you can clearly see that they are in some "studio" with greenscreens, wired to the ropes around the belt, and lot,lot more...but as Jan said, good story and trusted persons could make wonders ☺. I like science but the problem is "scientizm".
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