Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

oh yeah forgot when i took that log the eq was on.

Disabled everything, rebooted and it does the same.

Also... it does that even when it's not playing anything!!!

as you can see from this htop screenshot, if i click volume buttons multiple times, even if it's not playing anything and stopped, there are 3 instances of "php-fpm: pool www" robbing nearly all the cpu.
Is it refreshing the whole UI every time I click a volume button?



I don't recall having any issues on a 1B but its been a while since I've used one. I'll dig out a 1B that I have lying around and run a few tests later.


There is a small in-place update for Beta 6 and 7 that upgrades to BETA 8 :) This update is cumulative and contains the contents of the previous update plus some additional files that make use of the new DoP setting in MPD.

It MUST be run from cmd line AND on an un-squashed /var/www !! The browser title will revert to "moOde Player" after the update. Use System config to change it, then APPLY MPD settings to get the new DoP param.

Also, just to be safe u might want to backup /var/www and /var/local/www directories before applying the update.

sudo /var/www/command/ r40b8

If u want to examine the update package and its installation script before installing it then run the cmds below.

cat ./update/

Hi Tim
I tried to scan for wifi networks using a RPI2b with an Edimax USB wifi dongle. I'm afraid it does exactly the same. When you click on the scan button it appears to respond but then the selection fields flash white and the progress bar fills up almost immediately. It does not return any wifi networks. Using a Volumio image and everything else being equal I can scan for and find wifi networks.


What is output from the cmd below?

ip addr list wlan0

Just a quick question on the unsquash process. I followed the instructions but when I execute the command "sudo unsquashfs -d /var/www /var/local/moode.sqsh" I get the error message "could not open moode.sqsh. No such file or directory, However when I check in the /var/local/ directory the file is clearly there?
Hi @Mars67,

I just ran through the procedure and no issues. See below.

Starting with squashed

pi@rp3:~ $ ls -l /var/local
total 10992
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 11251712 Nov 6 15:47 moode.sqsh
drwxr-xr-x 8 root staff 4096 Nov 6 12:28 www

Then running through the un-squash procedure

pi@rp3:~ $ sudo killall -s 9
pi@rp3:~ $ sudo systemctl stop nginx
pi@rp3:~ $ sudo systemctl stop php7.0-fpm
pi@rp3:~ $ sudo umount /var/www
pi@rp3:~ $
pi@rp3:~ $ sudo rmdir /var/www
pi@rp3:~ $ sudo unsquashfs -d /var/www /var/local/moode.sqsh
Parallel unsquashfs: Using 4 processors
667 inodes (686 blocks) to write

[=============================================================================================================================================================================-] 686/686 100%

created 666 files
created 34 directories
created 1 symlinks
created 0 devices
created 0 fifos
pi@rp3:~ $ sync
pi@rp3:~ $
pi@rp3:~ $ sudo sed -i /moode.sqsh/d /etc/fstab
pi@rp3:~ $ sudo rm /var/local/moode.sqsh

Hi, Tim.

See my first message for the error message.

pip is getting MechanicalSoup-0.9.0.post2.tar.gz from This tarball does not contain the requirements.txt file expected by its own

My work-around this morning was to download v0.9.0.tar.gz directly from Releases * MechanicalSoup/MechanicalSoup * GitHub, untar it, and cd to its top directory, and install it using
sudo pip install
Turned out I also had to install the debian packages libxml2-dev and libxslt1-dev to succeed, but succeed I did. Then gmusicapi installed without a hitch and I now get the same report you show above.

This is not a moOde issue (just to be sure, I confirmed that it happens on my Linux Mint host too). I'll try to figure out how to ping the pypi maintainers.

Having an interface to Google Play Music is a side show for me, but since the code is there I had to try it!

As an aside, during the MechanicalSoup install on an RPi3B, one CPU was pegged at 100% for quite a while, and I was down to about 77MB of free memory, so I'm thinking this is a nonstarter on lesser RPis.


Your guess seems correct. It fails on my Pi Zero W while it's running Moode.

Time to play about with Linux swap files.

