Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

This is a bit OT but I hope someone who uses the same hardware with Moode can help me. If not appropriate for the forum then please delete.

I'm running an RPI3 with Moode 3.1 as a test. I have a 2 Tb WD Passport drive connected and powered by the RPI USB port.

The music on the drive will play OK on some listening sessions but on others it makes a clicking sound and the music will stop part way through a track, and the drive disappears from the Moode devices list. Once it works again the database needs redone.

I have connected the drive to my PC and it works fine and run diagnostics on it with no errors. I have a PSU driving the RPI with a 4A capability so don't think it is power problems.

Chances are it is a drive issue but could it be a problem with the player perhaps ?
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Thanks. Unfortunately, the problem is that when I click Remove this NAS source, Moode freezes with the message "Waiting for moode..." and after that I can't access anything within the Configuration screen until after a shutdown/power off/reboot sequence.

Is that the way it's supposed to work?


This is most likely due to a bug in the NAS mount/unmount code. I've fixed it for upcoming moOde 4 Beta3 and if its confirmed to resolve the issue then moOde 4.0 final release will continue the fix.

Hello Tim,
I had paid for Moode 5 days ago and was hoping to receive the zip key in 24hrs. But I still haven't received it. I have sent you 3 emails after that but didn't hear back from you. I tried sending you a PM here but it says your IM box is full. Could you please let me know why is there such a delay and also could you please send the key at the earliest.

Hi Debayan,

First time that user emails sent to me have ended up in my Junk Mail folder which I almost never check :-0

I found your emails and just sent you the Product Key. As a gesture of goodwill to compensate you for having to wait so long I'll send you a free Product Key when moOde 4.0 is released :)

This is a bit OT but I hope someone who uses the same hardware with Moode can help me. If not appropriate for the forum then please delete.

I'm running an RPI3 with Moode 3.1 as a test. I have a 2 Tb WD Passport drive connected and powered by the RPI USB port.

The music on the drive will play OK on some listening sessions but on others it makes a clicking sound and the music will stop part way through a track, and the drive disappears from the Moode devices list. Once it works again the database needs redone.

I have connected the drive to my PC and it works fine and run diagnostics on it with no errors. I have a PSU driving the RPI with a 4A capability so don't think it is power problems.

Chances are it is a drive issue but could it be a problem with the player perhaps ?


You won't have much success with the year old version moOde 3.1 due to bugs in that release, both in the player code and the OS.

There have been 8 releases of moOde since version 3.1 and 2 releases of moodeOS.

Hi Debayan,

First time that user emails sent to me have ended up in my Junk Mail folder which I almost never check :-0

I found your emails and just sent you the Product Key. As a gesture of goodwill to compensate you for having to wait so long I'll send you a free Product Key when moOde 4.0 is released :)


Received the key. Would appreciate the gesture.

This is most likely due to a bug in the NAS mount/unmount code. I've fixed it for upcoming moOde 4 Beta3 and if its confirmed to resolve the issue then moOde 4.0 final release will continue the fix.


Hi Tim, thanks for that info. I feel better now.

I guess that means there are no mistakes allowed when creating a NAS mount in moOde 3.x. Since I'm prone to error, I'll just re-flash the sdcard and start over again (again).

I think my idea of having a big uSDcard in the pi for both the OS and music storage is a bit dangerous. It's safer to use a little, cheap uSDcard for just the OS and connect thumb drives or whatever to the pi USB ports for storage. I'll have to purchase another low capacity uSDcard for the OS and use the 128GB uSDcard I bought earlier in an adapter plugged into the pi. That plus the 64GB thumb drive I recently bought should be enough storage for an all-in-one player setup. I'll leave the NAS setup for later.

I hope the standard CanaKit PSU can power the pi + Boss DAC + 128GB uSD card in USB adapter + 64GB thumb drive. Is that doomed to failure?

You won't have much success with the year old version moOde 3.1 due to bugs in that release, both in the player code and the OS.

There have been 8 releases of moOde since version 3.1 and 2 releases of moodeOS.


Does that mean that with MoOde 3.8 a single 5V 2A PSU should be able to power the pi + DAC + WD My Passport USB hdd? If so then I have all the parts at hand to create that setup.
Does that mean that with MoOde 3.8 a single 5V 2A PSU should be able to power the pi + DAC + WD My Passport USB hdd? If so then I have all the parts at hand to create that setup.

I also use a 5v 2A PSU and always had poor performance trying to use HDDs with Raspi 2 and IQAudioDAC+ HAT. SSDs generally worked OK provided they were recent issues (I have some older ones that struggle).

I have not tried HDDs via a powered hub but have read on other forums that users have found these OK in operation.
OK - I did say I would report back ...
The result of further delving makes it pretty clear to me that there is a definite compatibility problem with the JB DigiHAT and their recommended IR installation procedure with Moode 3.8.4.

... and the result of further further delving shows that this is utter nonsense ...

I have since switched to Etcher (on my Mac) to write the SD card instead of my aged copy of WinDiskImager on my equally aged XP netbook and the whole process was a breeze.

... should have gone to specsavers