This is what Really Causes Heart Disease

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Scott remember the grand plan some years ago where ' they ' were going to build a countrywide network of bicycle only roads?
Never came to much in the end , there's a stretch of about 4 miles near me that got completed but isn't maintained and its more like an off road track now.
Such a shame ' motorways ' for bikes was a great idea i thought.
It's such a shame, I used to ride on the road and I sometimes still hanker to, I really have to stop myself now, I'm not prepared to take the risk.
I used to race so that meant 60+km/day to work and back in heavy traffic plus extra training and then 120km+ highway rides on Sundays.
Back then I was fit, strong and immortal...nowadays I still go for a ride but I am extra wary.
Mixed use bikeways here in Perth are good, but pedestrians and dogs are hazardous. :tongue:

I used to race so that meant 60+km/day to work and back in heavy traffic plus extra training and then 120km+ highway rides on Sundays.

I train with a bunch of racers and that's excatly what it takes to be able to stay up with them. Mostly Cat3's.

You always hear the same advice and think it's total BS - "30 minutes a day 3 times a week". Actually I found that it's true - with the training regimen you mention I get about 90 minutes a week either in Zone 5 or in that nether region between zones 4 and 5 where you get high off it. The whole thing, however, is 20 hours a week.
I'm hitting around 120 miles per week (190km) but I'm riding almost every day so not a lot of miles per day. The longest ride I've ever done was only 45 miles (71km), so I don't do long distance.

This week will be an off week as they are calling for rain. Friday I'm heading to SC for four days to a gathering of friends, but I may take the bicycle with me and ride during the day.
I'm hitting around 120 miles per week (190km) but I'm riding almost every day so not a lot of miles per day. The longest ride I've ever done was only 45 miles (71km), so I don't do long distance.

One of my sons and his bride did the ride from Pittsburgh to Wash DC on their bikes. I think it's 300 miles, and they did it in under a week. Two kids later they motor to Panera for mac n' cheese with the kinder!

Me, 5 to 15 miles per day is quite sufficient!
Originally Posted by DPH View Post
And pardon my ignorance, but isn't functional medicine another rebranding of alternative, wait no, complementary medicine?

Sorry, I can't pardon such ignorance that is rude and uses offensive pre-suppositions in questions. :p

I don´t have a horse in this race but Wiki says:
Functional medicine
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Functional medicine is a form of alternative medicine[1] which proponents say focuses on interactions between the environment and the gastrointestinal, endocrine, and immune systems[2] while opponents point out that it is a "collection of totally nonsensical gobbledygook".[3]

Institute for Functional Medicine
Functional medicine was invented by nutritionist Jeffrey Bland.[25] .... Institute for Functional Medicine in 1991 as a division of HealthComm.[26][27] That year, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission said that Jeffrey Bland's corporations HealthComm and Nu-Day Enterprises had falsely advanced claims ..... . The companies were forced to pay a $45,000 civil penalty.[26]
This article is part of a series on
Alternative and pseudo‑medicine
Fringe medicine and science
I don´t have a horse in this race but Wiki says:

This article is part of a series on
Alternative and pseudo‑medicine
Fringe medicine and science

One more candidate to my ignore list composes offensive messages from out-of-context phrases and judges compiled results by incompetent Wiki articles?

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Keep on :)
If you ignore enough people, soon you´ll log in DIY Audio and *ONLY* find people heartily agreeing with you ;)
Maybe as many as 100 or 200 out of current 66000 members (or whatever they add up to) but who´s counting?

By the way, hard to call

Originally Posted by DPH View Post
And pardon my ignorance, but isn't functional medicine another rebranding of alternative, wait no, complementary medicine?
Originally Posted by Wavebourn View Post
Sorry, I can't pardon such ignorance that is rude and uses offensive pre-suppositions in questions.
"composes offensive messages from out-of-context phrases"
when such text was copied, unedited , from YOUR OWN POST #60
Keep on :)
If you ignore enough people, soon you´ll log in DIY Audio and *ONLY* find people heartily agreeing with you ;)
Maybe as many as 100 or 200 out of current 66000 members (or whatever they add up to) but who´s counting?

Come on... Since 2006 I counted only 12 members that love to offend others, contributing nothing. You are the 13'Th.

Good bye!
Come on... Since 2006 I counted only 12 members that love to offend others, contributing nothing. You are the 13'Th.

Good bye!
You've confused "offend" with "stating the obvious". If the only defense of your position is ignoring those who have the temerity to provide verifiable refutation, your argument fails.

Selling what amounts to Snake Oil does that.
JMFahey-- I hadn't heard (or didn't remember, as is becoming more and more the case) of the term "functional medicine" but it had all the hallmarks of alt-medicine so I went to Wikipedia as did you. Now, thankfully, Wikipedia has taken a hard line on pseudo science, so I wanted to make sure it wasn't too harsh a lens. So I asked here, then I read the front matter from the originator of the term before making up my mind. It reads like a confused amalgamation between standard practices and wild goose hunts of ficticious nutrient deficiencies/other maladies while railing that modern medicine doesn't address the whole patient. There's a lot to be said about the latter, but pseudoscience isn't the solution. (more social/economic than the technical parts of medicine) I'm sure Mrs wavebourne has made herself a black sheep of the endocrinology community, but I doubt she'll have a hard time finding customers. :-\

I'd like to think I gave wavebourne the benefit of the doubt to explain what he believes/wife practices, given the wide range of possible interpretations of "functional medicine", but he would rather sit in an echo chamber. Not that I'm not wont to counter bad/dangerous advice, but I'm okay being blocked by someone with fingers in his ears, shouting party lines. If it's really dangerous advice, then I'm not above reporting the post (haven't yet) and give an explanation. It's very very risky giving medical advice over the internet, so I hope others aren't above culling non-"have you checked in with your physician lately?" type posts.
Here is the question FDA won't answer...


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Here is the question FDA won't answer...

Who says they don´t? :confused:

Here´s a few thousand "establishment" answers:
toxic levels of herbicides and pesticides - Buscar con Google
will only link a few for fear of collapsing DIY Audio servers :p

From State Health organisms:
Major Pesticides Are More Toxic to Human Cells Than Their Declared Active Principles
Pesticide Exposure, Safety Issues, and Risk Assessment Indicators

from WHO:

from Universities:
Potential Health Effects of Pesticides — Pesticide Education — Penn State Extension

and so on and on and on.
Mind you, NONE of them is sweetening the pill, all point the fact that for herbicides and pesticides to be of any use they MUST be toxic :eek: , they are useful only because in general they are too toxic to bugs and *relatively* not much to us. :rolleyes:

on purpose I am NOT showing Big Pharma, Banks, Illuminati or Hidden Government link sites, which are suspect.
From a dietary and general health standpoint I follow these simple rules that my mom taught me 40 years ago.
1. Everything in moderation.
2. Don't eat the same foods all the time.
3. Meat protein portions should not be larger than a deck of cards.
4. Eat fresh vegetables and not canned. I try to buy local organic produce when possible.
5. Have one day a week set aside for meat free meals.
6. Get outside in the fresh air. (this could be an issue in the inner cities)
7. Be happy. Mental health has an effect on physical health.

Its worked for me. Most people my age are on several medications. I'm not on any and all my vitals test good during my annual physicals.
Bad teeth cause heart disease, via the stomach - also root canal and caps can add to it, as they can trap highly toxic bacteria which leaks into the bloodstream via the roots

I highly recommend to start taking a ceylon cinnamon supplement, which is known to kill bad bacteria in the gut. Cinnamon also protects against other health issues and can protect against Parkinson's, which originates from a gut bacteria.
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