Ricci's Skhorn Subwoofer

Hi Josh! Just wanted to check if you've sent cnc file?

I have vacation in about one week and maybe I could have time to get the cab together during that time if I can send the files to the carpenter for CNC in time. Don't wanna stress you but I figured the e-mail might have gotten lost in space

Hi Josh! Just wanted to check if you've sent cnc file?

I have vacation in about one week and maybe I could have time to get the cab together during that time if I can send the files to the carpenter for CNC in time. Don't wanna stress you but I figured the e-mail might have gotten lost in space


I'm sure I sent the email. it is a hotmail account correct? Check your spam folder perhaps? If not there let me know.
Great. Do you plan to build it?

I'm gonna show the file to a carpenter I've worked with before that I know has an advanced CNC machine and see if it works, as long as all details are fine with the CNC I'm going to do it. Maybe with 18" adaptors for 18sw115 to see if it justifies an upgrade from keystones :) really curious for one of your designs as I've heard neither, and now that you've been very generous and kind to send me the files how could I justify not to :)
I now have prints downloadable at the DB forum. Free to anyone. (Othorn, Gjallarhorn, Skhorn)

Also wanted to note that I've been getting good feedback on the Skhorn from a few guys who have owned and heard a lot of powerful bass systems. It's good to see the design work, measurements and my own listening impressions corroborated by others. One never knows.
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@Sn95 see here:

I believe this is with Ipal the black and grey line represents with one vent closed and all open.

Hi guys, I'm thinking of building a couple of these in the uk as I don't think there are any here yet.

Are there any more comments on how they sound and perform in real life ?

: )

I believe there are only 3 end users currently, one of which is myself. I've given the plans out to more people, but I don't think any of those other builds are completed yet. I'm the designer, so I may be a bit biased, but to me they are one of the cleanest and most powerful bass cabinets I've had experience with. (That is a VERY extensive list by the way.) I have a very exhaustive set of measurements on this cab, with multiple amplifiers and tunings, over at Data-Bass that provide a wealth of verification. Response shape is smooth and extended, distortion is very low, sensitivity is high, output capability is extremely high, output compression is low and there are minimal issues with group delay or ringing (well damped).

The other 2 fellows who currently own this cab have also reported very positively over at AVS.