Funniest snake oil theories

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Strong words, I tend more to borderline Asperger's like many nerds.
I may very well be wrong, and certainly I'm not qualified to make a medical judgment.

But for what it's worth, in my opinion (which is worth nothing, or rather gnothing, since I'm a gnobuddy), he displayed symptoms very different from someone who is merely nerdish: like Alexander The Great, Gates obviously wanted to conquer his entire world. If someone else created some good software, he would either destroy it (example: Dr Dos, BeOS), copy it (ex: Netscape Navigator, MS Office), or buy it - if necessary, by buying the entire company and liquidating it (ex: Frontpage). It seemed he could not tolerate competition, or the success of another competing product or company - it had to be destroyed at once, and the ruins metaphorically marked by rubbing his musk-glands on them.

They couldn't even stand Linux - a free operating system that might give millions of poverty-stricken people around the world access to computing.

I remember when Gates retired and suddenly turned into a benefactor, as far as all the news media were concerned. I read about how he'd visited India, and donated a lot of money to help people suffering from AIDS there. What a wonderful thing to do - was the man really changed?

That was a bit hard to believe, psychopaths don't magically heal from their personality disorder. So I did a little on-line digging, and found that part of the deal was that the local goverments had to agree to use Windows - and nothing but Windows - in Indian K12 schools. Hey, a billion future customers, all trained to use Windows and nothing else, from the time they were little children. Not a bad days work, if you're in the business of selling Windows, don't you think?

All this is why I think Gate's problem went far beyond a touch of autism spectrum disorder. I think something from the psychological "dark triangle" was involved - i.e., he was a psychopath/ narcissist/ megalomaniac.

But again, I'm Gnobuddy, and my medical diagnoses are worth gnothing, so please feel do disagree vehemently with me! :D

$125,000 cables. That’s some snake oil. But if you’re the Sultan of Brunei, you already have a gold plated Buggatti and probably a good sized harem so whats the big deal.

The biggest improvement, with all three of my systems , was moving the speakers well into the room. In one room, which is 14’W X 18’D X 8.5’H, they are 4 3/4 feet away from the back wall and 3 ¾’ feet away from the side walls. This is way beyond the normal WAF but, fortunately, my wife was a musician and appreciates the improvement. One other room is 16’W X 26’D X 9.5’H and the other is 10’W X 15’D X 8.5 ‘H. Speakers are also well into the rooms and the same magic happens.

If I were the Sultan of Brunei I’d have my eunuchs move the speakers, but darn’t I’m using them in a life size game off chess right now. Oh., the decisions…

Oh, and the magic of moving the speakers is the soundstage and the fact the speakers seem to disappear. That is the eye is not drawn to the speakers and they are not small but fairly large floorstanders.

I find it very hard to believe Mpingos are magic or garden hose size cables, cone points, made from everything from a to z, under anything change the sound. I tried by-wiring about 20 years ago and think its BS.

In total agreement regarding speaker placement even to the point of a cheap pair of bookshelves placed at the correct boundaries sounding far better than a large floorstander shoved against the wall etc.
I often vist friends who complain about spending xxxx amount on the latest magazine 5 star components sounding terrible that have no concept of the synergy required between source /amp/speakers and have speakers hidden behind furniture ,in corners or a foot apart perched on a wobbly ikea shelving unit.
After application of liberal doses of "snake oil" they are happy but their wife's want a divorce :)
Joined 2016
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Urban legend is nearly indestructible, especially when it's constantly propped-up by a compliant MSM.
Needless to say, we pretty much avoided each other after that.

Apple / Steve Jobs is another example of myth becomes reality...

Don't eat the yellow snow...Some of Zappa's stuff made me laugh harder than Cheech and Chong. :D

I'll drink to that!
Joined 2014
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back on funny s**t from audiophile manufacturers.

Ayre Acoustics Codex D/A headphone amplifier |

Indeed, as Hansen says, "The Codex was deliberately built to the lowest price point we've ever done. Doing so imposes specific constraints. No matter how clever one gets with the circuitry, the fact that there are cost constraints limits the ultimate performance level."

This thing costs $1800! for a DAC/headphone amp!!! You don't hear benchmark saying they have had to cut corners...

But according to Charley Hansen, the key to the Codex is the linear power supply stuffed into its little case. "Remember that every circuit is a modulated power supply," Hansen told me. "When you have a fully differential balanced circuit from input to output it makes a massive difference. We put the very best power supply in the Codex that we know how to make, the AyreLock regulator that is in our Twenty series products. When you run balanced, it is like making the best power supply literally 1,000 times better."

Yup, he said he put the best possible PSU in but also said balanced has PSRR benefits.
In total agreement regarding speaker placement even to the point of a cheap pair of bookshelves placed at the correct boundaries sounding far better than a large floorstander shoved against the wall etc.
I often vist friends who complain about spending xxxx amount on the latest magazine 5 star components sounding terrible that have no concept of the synergy required between source /amp/speakers and have speakers hidden behind furniture ,in corners or a foot apart perched on a wobbly ikea shelving unit.
After application of liberal doses of "snake oil" they are happy but their wife's want a divorce :)

I couldn't agree more. I tend to view my audio system as, well... a system. Crappy speakers will no doubt negate the performance of even the finest amps and source components. On the flip side, excellent speakers can reveal shortcomings inherent to the rest of the system. And let's not forget the room - which can muck up everything else if it's not set up correctly. Those sentences have probably been written thousands of times in this forum in one form or another - but it's only because they're true.

I've often found simply moving a speaker 6 inches from the wall can make a profound difference (i.e. one that's easily measured and actually heard). The beauty of it is that all it costs me is the effort of getting up off my glutes. I could even avoid that effort if I could get my eunuchs to do it, but they'd either leave scratch marks or slobber all over everything. :D

...And all that talk about Zappa has given me an earworm...

"Movin' to Montana soon, gonna be a dental floss tycoon...
Movin' to Montana soon, gonna be a mental toss flycoon..."
Wow!!! Marten Coltrane speakers for $350,000 and the photos do show a spectacular finish. Is this Ultimate snake oil? Has anyone heard these speakers?

Their ad says they use 60 meters of some special internal wiring. Thats about 200 feet. They also say the sound is so real that if you close your eyes its exactly like the band is playing in your room. I couldn't find any details regarding source components but it's pretty hard to believe. However, after my eunuchs finish fanning the harem girls, i'm gone have them get a pair.
The truth? He can't handle the truth!

That's always been my judgment. If I won the lottery, I wouldn't drop 6 or 7 figures into hifi, I could have most of my favorite musicians come play live for me several times a week.

A friend of mine is a classical music lover, but won't attend concerts, because he says: hall acoustics make things too bright. Music only sounds right on his custom built speakers, never on CD, or vinyl.
Only open reel to reel prerecorded music for him.
I'm curious as to why a pair of speakers have 200 feet of internal wiring ?A couple of feet between drivers and to the terminals what do they do with the rest ? Weave a complex pattern inside the box or just coil it neatly at the base. :)

It must be woven into a quantum Faraday cage, around the crossover components.
Glued to the cabinet sides, of course, for internal mass damping, tuned by pixies.
Joined 2016
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Schiit Audio, Headphone amps and DACs made in USA.

I can't decide how to read this (Schiit sticking 2 fingers up at MQA). It's either some astounding honesty or great showmanship. I do tend to agree with most of what they say tho.

Just read that article ,i admire Schiit for that statement to be honest. Nice to see a company ,that has built a good reputation for their desktop stuff ,not just jumping on the bandwagon and marketing a price inflated product to suit this weeks " lastest greatest best ever blah blah lifechanging audio development ".
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