Resistor Sound Quality?

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Jakob - I see you recycling the same argument - but did you effectively reply too:

Obviously you missed my reply :) :

The excerpt of ITU-R BS.1116-3 does indeed cover a situation quite similar to that, which you´ve described above. So there is still some work to do before one should accept "null results" (i.e. means that the null hypothesis could not be rejected) and i´d add some positive controls to check, but in the end i agree, there is accumulated knowledge even in the case of negative results.

Otoh would you´he described is imo not the usual case, ist it?
Could you cite some well documented tests in which that happened?
Jakob - I think most will make an inference from failed DBT test(s) of "X" by the latter when the subject is given opportunity to approve of samples, time, switching, train with the protocol, use source, equipment they agree they hear the difference with:

Here is the nature of most null results (so-called failed) type DBTs.

The subject is given opportunity to approve of samples, time, switching, train with the protocol, and use the source, equipment that they agree they hear the difference with.

More specifically, a high proportion of DBTs that I have been involved with were done on a "Travelling Road Show" basis. The DBT is done with at the subject's house, in his listening room, with his equipment as he habitually uses it, his choice of program material, his samples, him controlling the switching, him having as much time as he wants to practice, him using the source and equipment that he agrees that he hears the difference with.

Doesn't help his results. He still ends up with random guessing.

This matches the experiences of the original ABX partners. We each had our own set of ABX switching equipment (built in accordance with the Clark AES papers), did as many ABX tests as we wanted, when we wanted, as we ate the food and drank the beverages we preferred, used our own personal audio systems as finely tuned over 10-20 or more years, used our choice of recordings, some we made ourselves, played on our choice of carefully-tuned players, listened over periods of minutes, hours, days even weeks, changed various equipiment in and out, etc. etc.

My take is that the listening tests with null results are not failures, they are simply reliable evidence.

During the first 20 or so years of testing I was mystified by how insensitive they were to measurable failings of the equipment involved. After all we did have some positive results, but the positive results were obtained when there was some fairly serious fault in the system like a misaligned turntable/arm, misaligned tape player, or misbiased power amp. At that time the best guide we had to the audibility of technical problems were the Fletcher Munson curves.

In the 1990s a wonderful book was published - Psychoacoustics Facts and Models by Zwicker and Fastl which can be downloaded and read here: I think most will find it a heavy read if they can get very far into it at all. I sure did. As I read it and understood it, many things became clear. One obvious conclusion is that human hearing is not as sensitive as might be (erroneously) inferred from Fletcher Munson curves. The one word explanation: masking. Zwicker and Fastl did not discover masking, but they mapped it pretty well. One can find mention of masking in Acoustics by Beranek. which can be downloaded here: Another potentially heavy read.
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Mr. Krueger is very focused on ABX, and everything related.
Lovely marina.

(November 28, 1946. IT career, lives in a 1932 home. Reasons to be creepy, part 2)


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Mr. Krueger is very focused on ABX, and everything related.

(November 28, 1946. IT career, lives in a 1932 home. Reasons to be creepy, part 2)

I'm ROTFLMAO that anybody would find living in an early-past-century house "creepy". In this area, that's a fairly new house. He'd probably die of an apoplectic fit if he knew about the ca. 1500s house that was across the street from my house when I lived in Germany. I frankly don't know how old the house I lived in there was, because unlike the house across the street, its owner did not post its build date. Judging by the thickness of its walls...

Mr. Krueger is very focused on audio, which in 1975 or so led him to build the first ABX* comparator and do the first ABX* test. Changed my life and that of a goodly number of others. ;-)

* there are two different ABX tests that are commonly used in audio but they are very different from each other. The other ABX test was reported in a 1950 JASA paper by Fletcher & Gardiner.
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this is you conclusion ?

Not just mine!

I would say that it is one of the more important scientific findings related to audio of our era. I just stated it a little differently than most.

Until masking was mapped to the degree provided by Zwicker and Fastl and others, perceptual coder technology as we know it today was practically impossible.

Just guessing Nico but I'll bet you cross yourself every time someone says MP3 or lossy coding, but if you knew how likely that the next piece of audio you hear was perceptually coded, you might think differently.
I'm somewhat Compulsive Obsessive without the D, aggressive to the extreme, and 99 percent rational.
My partner of a decade and a half views me as a total alien, both on a physical and mental level.

The question of who is right and who is wrong seems to me always too small to be worth a moment's thought, while the question of who is the least sane seems all-important.

(Hercule Poirot is a fat and arrogant Belgian fag, Hannibal Lecter is more fascinating, imo)
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Well to keep the balance, I am rather glad that people who work in fields where precision, repeatability, EMC tolerance and good design are required are here as a foil to the people who think a sighted sample of one proves something.

A lot of people here could learn from Marce. Specifically those who don't realise that there is way more to be gained from an optimised layout than splashing out on boutique components because they read about it on the web. It's sad if the luddites set what is acceptable to be discussed.

I suspect the issues is that folks who are experts in a field or two get to thinking they are experts in all fields.

Fortunately for all of you here I am an expoit in all tings!!! :) :) :)

Marce does occasionally get things wrong, but so what.

I see no reason to pick on him or the other side folks. Anyone can express an opinion no matter how silly. Learning to laugh is a better response than getting angry. I see no reason to insult anyone here with one exception.

There is that what you sow.... Line.
e that there is way more to be gained from an optimised layout than splashing out on boutique components because they read about it on the web.
here you are superficial you need design+layout+component....
marce is not bad at last can hear the sound of phase plugs on fullrange and the raising of Qes by tube amp...
hey I'm good on smd my best is powerSO36 0.0256inch pin to pin with normal ersa!
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