John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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Quite so. This baffled me for a log time, until I did somethiong about it, namely tried to evaluate the devices which were given low marks. Much to my surprise, some very well thought of devices really did fall short of other much cheaper but better designed devices.

Anyone denying this either has a poor system and/or hearing, or a religious belief which has nothing to do with actual hearing.

In my experience, the first things to go are a 3D presentation (usually no soundstage depth) and, as Dan pointed out, the "beefy" sound to its low frequency lines, no life, just an empty physical replay. Often, it's not a question of quantity, rather that of quality.

John, the problem is that you do not understand DBT as a mantra so many here do, and especially SY-FI, and swear on it, the good shepherd trying to tell us we do not hear what we do. They need someone else to tell them how something sounds, beside their measuring gear. And they have the cheek to call others strawmen.
I'm with you on this, totally.
Last weekend I spent Fri night and all day Saturday listening/studying the sound of a $20k+ Naim sytem....Naim speakers, Naim amp, and Naim preamp/streamer.
On first inspection this system is dead clean, dead accurate BUT it lacks LIFE ! to the point of being boring, and to my ear dissatisfying.
Adding my filters to power, signal and speaker cables, this system became listenable and long term enjoyable.
Gone was the inhibited/overly polite 2D representation, and restored was dynamics and holographic soundfield, and most importantly for me (and GF) happy groove factor throughout the house and outdoor entertainment area.
I need to invent a Groove Factor meter !.

The ABX specter again, folks have been invited the do DBT by any protocol they choose including long term listening. Beyond just minimizing noise, the vast majority of JC's input is his own personal take on signal path issues, PIM, 7th harmonic, low OLBW, etc.

In any case has JC ever qualified his statement that the differences disappear for him ONLY in ABX DBT or is it in any no peeking test?
I don't quite understand your last statement, no dissing intended.
Given the opportunity I would love to meet JC in person, and take a listen to his systems....maybe I could show him some intersting too.
Really interesting is modifying the sound of a 200kW+ PA system on the fly !!!.....because I can, lol.
Joined 2014
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Whereas making a fuss about it is the hallmark of brilliance.

Well you will see this forum is full of cases of people linking to gargantuan files instead of using the upload facility and users complaining. In all other cases the OP has apologised and either re-sized the original or used the upload facility. So I'm not alone and despite Joe wishing he was more important its no obsession.

I also ask people on public transport to vacate their seats for pregnant women if they are being complete ****s about it. If that is the 'hallmark of brilliance' I'll get the T-shirt made :)

next time I'll just assume the std English position 'sorry old chap, this really skews the view on my browser, could you resize please' and leave it at that. :p
Seriously, linking to a 1.6MB file

It is not always as bad as that. There are techniques where server or browser can be designed to send/accept compressed files. It's a "complicated" technology/environment. If there's anyone to blame for ignorance, it should be the web developer. As a user, especially mobile device user, I think you need to choose a browser which has big concern on the issue. May be Opera.
diyAudio Member RIP
Joined 2005
My usual improvement for PA's are earplugs.;)
If more people used them we'd have a lot higher incidence of adequate high-frequency hearing.

I'm dealing right now with a situation in which subjective reviewers have missed, or even preferred, a phono stage that commences a rolloff due to overdamping of the nominal cartridge at 6.8kHz. That is, -3dB already at that frequency. Clearly the designer did not understand cartridge loading.

And no one has noticed. Not the manufacturer, not the reviewers, not the blurbistas (the latter no surprise of course). This means, to me, that just about everyone has practically no HF hearing left, probably from chronic listening at too-high levels.
The guy had a photographic eye and amazing attention to detail, observed well known rules like 'thirds' and was not without talent. I am interested in photography.

Isn't painting not photography?

The first second I saw the picture I felt something was wrong with it. IMO every painting of nature should be natural. It must obey Physics. Where the horizon is, where the sun/light is, etc. etc.

Regarding attention to detail, it should be, especially if we remember the 7-layer principle of classic painting.

Of course I have never heard of Floyd Toole and that conversation I had with that guy, what was his name, Earl something? Shish.

"Of course" is a funny way to put it. Do you dismiss the work of respected audio engineers out of hand? I expect your conversation with Earl went like JC's conversation with Bob Pease.

Been here before, knew a tech from ***** Labs, had no degree, imagined he got no respect, and developed a big chip on his shoulder even though he was a smart guy and did very good original work.
Yes, peeking instead of using your ears gives you so much more insight.

I have a fantastic card trick to show you. I guess your card, and I'm right 100% of the time. The only catch is that after you pick it, I get to look at it before telling you what it is.

Do give that completely worn out record a break, would you SY-FI, you are now reproducing the mat? It appears that in contrast with you I don't need to peek to know I am hearing or not whatever when I play one of several CDs I dearly love, play often and know very well what can be there with proper playback and what may be missing. I know exactly what comes when, but this is obviously valid only for a few favorite CDs and in comparison with my own system.

Then again, my own system is all that really interests me, that's what I have and use day in and day out. On the other hand, I am always on the lookout for even better devices, and I am curious.

And frankly, I don't give a damn what something measures like in comparison with whatever else. In the case I mentioned, John's 1205 power amp, I never bothered to measure iz anyway, I was at once aware of its sonic merits when it did everything just like my regular amp, plus or minus a possible difference which meant nothing in total for the sound. Measurements can be useful in pointing you towards the bottlneck inside that amp, such as for example lack of available current, or instability with highly reactive loads, or some such. If I was developing it, I would have made the measurements, but as things turned out, it didn't need measurements to work well, it simply went on about its business.
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The whole idea that consciousness and intellect can be defined within parameters that are de-facto 1100% proven to possess fully blown factors of precognition and non-linear time makes the idea of opinion, fact, DBT or sighted listening as an argument.. makes all that infantile in the extreme. Denial at it's best. Inability to follow logic, or desire to blind one's self to logic.

Worse than meaningless. Far far worse. A direct affront and forced ignorance, ignorance in self and impressed up on all others.

A form of mental rape, if you will. A forced rape on reason and intellect.
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Joined 2002
Paid Member
a phono stage that commences a rolloff due to overdamping of the nominal cartridge at 6.8kHz. That is, -3dB already at that frequency. Clearly the designer did not understand cartridge loading.

(This is a side outcome from some measurements intended for Scott’s concerns over cartridge efficiency)
SY is right. Resistive loading greatly alters the frequency response of cartridges with high inductance coils. Freq response of low inductance cartridges remain less affected.
There is no mystery. Measurements (as the attachments) follow closely LR simulation results.



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  • Eroica LX.JPG
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KBK & DVV: wow, hyperbole much?

DVV--you're perfectly well "allowed" to enjoy your system as you wish. Need no one's permission! If nothing else, I would hope everyone enjoys their musical experiences. But please don't tell me this or that is better with any sort of suggestion of universality or objectivity, unless you're willing to contend with DBT's or some other form of effective de-biasing the test subjects AND researchers.

KBK--while you can perhaps live in a relative world where the whims and fantasies of your mind are good enough, I really really like my reality to be grounded from a perspective OUTSIDE of myself.
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diyAudio Member RIP
Joined 2005
(This is a side outcome from some measurements intended for Scott’s concerns over cartridge efficiency)
SY is right. Resistive loading greatly alters the frequency response of cartridges with high inductance coils. Freq response of low inductance cartridges remain less affected.
There is no mystery. Measurements (as the attachments) follow closely LR simulation results.

And yet the manufacturer claims response to 20kHz, while loading a 1.3kohm + 700mHy cartridge with the equivalent at high frequencies of about 24kohm! With the stated C loading, that equates to an electrical response down 13.5dB at 20kHz! With the stated loading C of the preamp, -3dBr at 7.3kHz.

I am sure they used a signal generator and not a cartridge to determine the specifications.

Of course there is no mystery, other than why no one notices, with the cartridge, the absence of at least an entire top octave!

If I correct the loading, I'm bracing for the complaint that the top end is suddenly tizzy. Unless, as I have suggested, hardly anyone has any auditory response up there anymore.
KBK & DVV: wow, hyperbole much?

DVV--you're perfectly well "allowed" to enjoy your system as you wish. Need no one's permission! If nothing else, I would hope everyone enjoys their musical experiences. But please don't tell me this or that is better with any sort of suggestion of universality or objectivity, unless you're willing to contend with DBT's or some other form of effective de-biasing the test subjects AND researchers.

KBK--while you can perhaps live in a relative world where the whims and fantasies of your mind are good enough, I really really like my reality to be grounded from a perspective OUTSIDE of myself.

I am not telling you anything else other that I do not need DBT for my own practical use.

If something sounds good to me, it will do so independently of any test by anybody excpet if that somebody is using a mirror of ym system with only one variable change (e.g. he has different speakers). On the other hand, of what practical use is a verdict from a jury listening to a system which looks nothing like mine? If you need that kind of perspective from outside of yourself, that's your business, but what happens when you get a response which is quite opposite to your views? A clash between "subjective" and "objective"?

BTW, there is NO debiased jury, because each and every one of them has an idea of what he likes and does not like, so all you're doing is asking for an "average" view from a group of people. Put yourself into any jury you care to mention, and tell me, does being a part of the jury in any way change your views on wht is good sound, and what is not? In the end, if you don't like what you hear, how will you know whether it's the amp or the speaker falling short?

DBT is just so much crap put forward by wanna-bes to pull more wool over the public eyes not because it's silly or meaningless, but because it a panacea for all our audio troubles. And it's pushed on by people who have nothing specfic to say, and nobody's interested in what they do have to say.
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