Now Playing + What are you listening to?

I bought a brand new laptop last year, a VAIO, and it came with a broken speaker, with a faulty screen, and bad glue. ...It was a Windows 8 but I got 8.1 installed.

I never bothered to send it to Sony's headquarters in Vancouver; I had to pay shipping, even under warranty and no time was given to me on how long it would take.

Lesson learned: Never buy a Sony product, and never buy from Future Shop. ...Cheap plastic, cheap glue, broken here and there, cheap people.

* My next laptop will be made of pure chrome metal titanium, and with Windows 10.
I will buy second-hand; one that normally retails for about $2,000 but would pay no more than $500. ...Or even less. ...A business professional laptop, fully equipped with the latest old technologies from 2014.

♥ Today I listened to a lot of Jazz ♫ music; Patricia Barber, from my CD music Jazz female singers collection. :cool:
Sorry about your bad luck, Bob, I guess it's always worthwhile checking what people's experiences are with brands - and this is a moving target, probably changes every few months depending upon how much people are complaining, and how responsive the companies are to getting their names besmirched, :(. At least with getting one secondhand, all those Monday morning blues problems have been sorted out ... :).

My first one, a cheaper Dell, had some some issues when new, and the repair chappie came to the house! No mucking around, pulled it apart, replaced the whole CPU assembly as a first step(!) - this didn't fix the problem, which turned out to be a software thing - but I was impressed with the service !! Current unit, a middle line HP, seems quite reasonable - and the internal speaker sound is showing good promise ... I'm going to kick off some blog blather ;) about what I find out along the way ...
Listening to some old crappy recordings of the band I was in at the beginning of the nineties.

The bass, the instrument that I played was recorded without a compressor, we only had very basic gear then and it totally dominates the mix and periodically drove the recording tape into saturation! Mind you a lot less ugly than digital clipping. :)
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Blues - Jimi Hendrix

On my "new", old laptop internal speakers - in pretty decent form, the vibe is happening full bore :). One track, Voodoo Chile Blues, is a very spacious live performance, and there is a beautiful pickup of the subtle Marshall valve burblings, the spitty little hummings and grumblings, as the amp mumbles to itself - niiiice ....
Whole Lotta Woman - The Mojo Corner

On the the laptop, to wake it up, ;). This is music I can always listen to - well recorded, driving, good time Blues - clean drums, dirty guitar with valve breakup now and again - everyone's having a great time !!
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