John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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diyAudio Member RIP
Joined 2005
These are the beasts I'm using, Harman Kardon HK 19.5 Reviews - PC Speakers |, the cloth grille started buzzing some time ago, was removed ...
Ah yes, my electronics. Minimalist, although Dell insisted that a test generator be included (!) There is a little plug on the back which by removing you can gain access to a pushbutton slide switch which activates a brackish tone generator.

This was the speaker in which Thompson (the far east manufacturer) substituted alternatives for two parts: one, a higher-than-specified-voltage electrolytic, and two, a dirt-floor vendor's 0.1uF ceramic cap, which for one batch had a defective dielectric which should have been scrapped but was not.

What could go wrong? Answer: Plenty.

Anyway, those bad ceramics were purged rapidly after the first problems surfaced.
Ah yes, my electronics. Minimalist, although Dell insisted that a test generator be included (!) There is a little plug on the back which by removing you can gain access to a pushbutton slide switch which activates a brackish tone generator.
Hello Brad, very interesting to hear of your experiences of your involvement in such a big volume company with such a high volume product.
So what is a "brackish tone generator" ?.

You know exactly what I mean. You are just confusing folks. The inductance of the Bybee is higher than just a straight piece of wire. Which is a bit interesting. However not high enough to act as a filter at the 1/F low frequencies of claimed interest.

The resistance is decently accurate. So I can get a reasonable comparison between a resistor and a Bybee.

No, the folks here are not that easily confused.

It is important to understand the fact that there is NO external inductance associated with a length of straight wire. There cannot be. The external inductance is a consequence of closure of the test loop such that current can flow. As such, it is extremely important to determine the inductance as a consequence of the test setup using a copper wire as a substitute for the unit under test, and then using extreme caution to keep the test leads exactly in the same position for the DUT measure. Only by doing that can the error be removed.

There is indeed an internal inductance associated with a cylindrical inductor. It is 15 NH per foot. an inch will give roughly 1 nanohenry.

The fact that you read 200 nanohenries with the copper wire tells me that you do not have the on hand test capability to actually measure such an item. Either the equipment is not as good as the HP I used, or the test frequency is too low. My HP allows repeated tests in the 250 to 300 picohenry range.

The fact that you read 600 NH over a bare wire tells me the resistor is probably wirewound, and probably using a wire of non unity permeability.

diyAudio Member RIP
Joined 2005
Hello Brad, very interesting to hear of your experiences of your involvement in such a big volume company with such a high volume product.
So what is a "brackish tone generator" ?.

A sound would be worth a thousand words here. I was lamenting last night that I didn't secure a sample of each product developed for Harman over the years, but I'm paying too much for storage space already!

The challenge was to generate a test tone without adding any cost beyond the necessary switch. So there was a contrivance of feedback around portions of the existing circuitry, but such that the resulting signal wouldn't blow anything up if sustained. It was tricky. But there was no constraint on spectral purity! In fact the more distorted and recognizable to a Dell staffer fielding a customer complaint ("my speakers are broken I'm not getting any sound!"), the better. This was a way of eliminating the speaker as one of the no-sound issues.
No, the folks here are not that easily confused.

It is important to understand the fact that there is NO external inductance associated with a length of straight wire. There cannot be. The external inductance is a consequence of closure of the test loop such that current can flow. As such, it is extremely important to determine the inductance as a consequence of the test setup using a copper wire as a substitute for the unit under test, and then using extreme caution to keep the test leads exactly in the same position for the DUT measure. Only by doing that can the error be removed.

There is indeed an internal inductance associated with a cylindrical inductor. It is 15 NH per foot. an inch will give roughly 1 nanohenry.

The fact that you read 200 nanohenries with the copper wire tells me that you do not have the on hand test capability to actually measure such an item. Either the equipment is not as good as the HP I used, or the test frequency is too low. My HP allows repeated tests in the 250 to 300 picohenry range.

The fact that you read 600 NH over a bare wire tells me the resistor is probably wirewound, and probably using a wire of non unity permeability.


The GR unit I use has a maximum internal test frequency of 1000 Hz! I use it for speaker inductors and such. I suspect your work requires less inductance so your instrument choice would be different.

I can read in either the series or parallel mode. The inductance is too low for the series mode to give a measurement.

My .025 ohm wirewound resistor reads 100 nH higher than the Bybee.

The issue to me is how much influence the inductance will have on the frequency response tests as 600nH = .029 ohms at 7.7 Hz that is a frequency that will be of interest.
I thought you need two? John is far too intelligent to truely swallow the spew on Bybee's site, that is scarey.

I'm not so sure you know all that much about the situation. dig a little deeper. If you come clear on it.. then...your problem will then be, of the usual nature.

bell curves exist everywhere and are particularly conspicuous in engineering circles.

The dismissal of the social conditions that by nature exist, this dismissal and lack of recognition of the predominantly linear mind, means that pecking orders, mammalian derision, fitting in, enforcement of hierarchy and bell curves of mediocrity, all as a set..means that you too would be slammed to the ground by the consensus reality enforcement effect.

There's nothing wrong or incorrect about 'what Jack is trying to tell you', but it won't fit into this enforced mindset that tends to gather... when men gather.

A case in point, a study looked at 10 girls and ten boys, and set them to solve a problem.

The girls gathered together and work out a method of speaking on equal terms. they solved the problem.

the boys spent their time heckling one another and creating a pecking order and then it was handed down by their leaders and followers. they never did solve the problem. they merely enforced a hierarchy and control system of male dominance. As it was emotionally based, the most intelligent and capable were not actually what was on the top of the given system. the dominant, emotional, enforcing, negative projection mind was the one at the top, not the problem solvers. The problem solvers..which tend to have a more balanced mind.

Intelligent people don't respond to the undercurrent of male dominance and hierarchy development patterns. Or, if they do recognize it, they sometimes poke it in the eye, to illustrate it's base insanity -to it. as usual, it reacts violently.

In sports teams and the like, it is easily seen. You see it portrayed in teen films, all the time. But it also hides deep inside of this website (and the world in general) and in certain threads it is horrifically dominant. Some people even use it to their advantage, either unconsciously or consciously.

After such a system has settled into a stable pattern, the males in it, for the larger part, cease to recognize that it exists. It is just the way thing are, to their mind -as it has developed through the years. They don't recognize that it is a fundamental problem that is blocking progress and thinking.

Look at academia, and corporate structure, as tied to science. It is all that you see, it being primarily male in nature and scope.

Basically, it's broken... and there is little that one man can do, except to gain sanity, see it for what it is..... and walk the hell away from it.
diyAudio Member RIP
Joined 2005
Originally Posted by simon7000:

"The issue to me is how much influence the inductance will have on the frequency response tests as 600nH = .029 ohms at 7.7 Hz that is a frequency that will be of interest. "

Yes, I get about 7.7kHz. And for this to have a significant effect as such the surrounding circuit impedances need to be mighty low.
Originally Posted by simon7000:

"The issue to me is how much influence the inductance will have on the frequency response tests as 600nH = .029 ohms at 7.7 Hz that is a frequency that will be of interest. "

Yes, I get about 7.7kHz. And for this to have a significant effect as such the surrounding circuit impedances need to be mighty low.

That was the point I was trying to make before the typo.
The GR unit I use has a maximum internal test frequency of 1000 Hz! I use it for speaker inductors and such. I suspect your work requires less inductance so your instrument choice would be different.
Yah, less inductance. A 6 tesla solenoid at 680 henries.

My work runs the gamut from that high to millihenries, with the occasional microhenry coil. As such, I use two types of HP units. One works at 100, 120, 1000, 10k, and 100khz and is accurate as all getout with high resolution. The second is the HP 4284A, it runs from 20 hz to 1Mhz, but has less intrinsic accuracy.

The first is the unit I use for sub nano resolution.

Edit: Ah, forgot... Two things are important in inductance measurement. L and R. When I look at how an inductor measures, I measure both at frequencies. For a voice coil for example, I do 20 hz to 20 KHz, measuring Ls and Rs. The choice between using Ls/Rs and Lp/Rp will be based on the reactance of course. The manual for the meter should detail when either model is pertinent.

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I'm not so sure you know all that much about the situation. dig a little deeper. If you come clear on it.. then...your problem will then be, of the usual nature.

There's nothing wrong or incorrect about 'what Jack is trying to tell you', but it won't fit into this enforced mindset that tends to gather... when men gather.

Still waiting for a MEG engine demo or that Steorn ORBO demo, or any of them from that matter. If I remember correctly "right around the corner". They all share something in common, they want to never give a sucker an even break.

EDIT - My sympathies to Mr. Bearden in the loss of his wife. There has not been much action on his or other such sites for the last few years I noticed.
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Yah, less inductance. A 6 tesla solenoid at 680 henries.

My work runs the gamut from that high to millihenries, with the occasional microhenry coil. As such, I use two types of HP units. One works at 100, 120, 1000, 10k, and 100khz and is accurate as all getout with high resolution. The second is the HP 4284A, it runs from 20 hz to 1Mhz, but has less intrinsic accuracy.

The first is the unit I use for sub nano resolution.

Edit: Ah, forgot... Two things are important in inductance measurement. L and R. When I look at how an inductor measures, I measure both at frequencies. For a voice coil for example, I do 20 hz to 20 KHz, measuring Ls and Rs. The choice between using Ls/Rs and Lp/Rp will be based on the reactance of course. The manual for the meter should detail when either model is pertinent.


Obviously you are still confused 680 Henries is greater not less. :)

You get the point, looking at below 150 Hz the inductance isn't going to be much of an issue. But comparing the Bybee to a Dale wirewound they do seem awful similar. So the expectation is that the measured results should be quite close.
Obviously you are still confused 680 Henries is greater not less. :)

I was trying to make you feel better by erring at 12 orders of magnitude, making your 3 orders typo error look paltry by comparison....

But comparing the Bybee to a Dale wirewound they do seem awful similar. So the expectation is that the measured results should be quite close.

That would be my expectation.

cash that blank check

Mr Hotte(y) must have ample experience at/with female management level.

My feeble experience is the reverse, matters of dick hierarchy and dominance between women is much more fierce, and towards men there's often a flavor of having to defend their position through acts of inflexibility.

Then there's the gossiping, women talk about everyone and everything, at any level, in any branch of industry.
Reality is at Sex in the City minimum level, in my experience worse.
Shut ration off, listen and talk from your emotional side, and women co-workers talk about everything with you, and tell everything (I love gossip).
Woman managers will tell you that they feel a social worker half the time, having to sort out problems of who refuses to work with who, which one has a beef with the other.

Ah, and if you can't help but find lesbian women ever fascinating and divine creatures, they'll too open their heart to you and tell how their life looks like, their society, with all it's ups and downs. The hierarchic and dominating sides, e.g. how some claim others as their property.
A single lay may often turn into a possessive cocky fight, a highly cherished collegue may find it easier to take a job on a cruise ship for some time, to get out of the circle for a while.

Best professional women to work with, under and above, have proven to be dykes time and again.
One of the boys, if necessary, without classic primate behaviour of who's alpha leader, nor typical rooster and hen stuff.
e.g. an ex fellow student, former VP of Schiphol airport, now advisory board member of several large companies, lives with her longtime partner Yvonne, a school teacher.

Ken's practical indepth experience with women somehow appears to be at the level of reading a pre-puberty research report.
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