Funniest snake oil theories

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oh yeah, its not exclusively for the 4 on the floor toy racers, they are just the most recent victims. yes 5000W battery powered boomboxes ;)

lots of cheap lead free solder and solder paste has silver content too. I use cardas Quad and sometimes Wonder solder (both leaded) as far as solder wire, which are both 'silver' solders, for the same reasons, flows nicely and the flux is very good. I use it mostly for consistency, a 1lb roll lasts me ages so even though its more expensive than Kester for example, its not a big deal. I make no claim about the sound.
The interesting thing in engineering is the progression in understanding over many years about what truly essential in achieving a desired result vs. what seems to be a reasonable thing to do with the current knowledge, on the basis of "it's better to be safe than sorry". Like early automobiles - massively thick chasses, tremendously strong in some areas - and terribly fragile elsewhere ...
lead water pipes

After a split-up, I renovated an appartment for my veggie ex-g/f. (e.g. kitchen => bathroom. bedroom => kitchen)
Part of the sewage was lead into clay or cast iron pipes, had to resolder the lead with candle wax & newspaper.
Soldering new zinc/lead isn't all that hard, after several decades it's a bit of a nightmare.

(Ran into her at a bus-stop less than a decade later, sold the place for >3 times the buy & renovation cost total. None of them can state they'd been a cheap lay)

Don't give a rat's backside about sound difference between one solder or the other, but tin plus 3-4% silver is very nice to solder with.
For large components, screw RoHS.
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Lead pipes are fine provided you have hard water. Fortunately most of the UK has hard water.

Nowadays the main risk in water might be hormones slowly turning us all into girls.
Brought up in Yorkshire in't Pennines, Millstone grit and granite, so lovely soft water, non of those soft chalky southern hills (well pimples).

Judging by my sons attitudes its already happened...they whinge more than the girls, in fact if I had to pit them against each other my money would be on the girls:D

Created an artwork of copper pipes using lead free solder in my old house under the sink, leaks everywhere, never had that problem with proper solder (lead in it), gave up and used plastic press fit fittings....
. Lead pipes are fine provided you have hard water. Fortunately most of the UK has hard water.

Nowadays the main risk in water might be hormones slowly turning us all into girls.

Unfortunately endocrine disruptors are now commonplace in our modern environment. The synergistic interactions between various disruptors are not well understood, and can result in greatly magnified impacts.
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Created an artwork of copper pipes using lead free solder in my old house under the sink, leaks everywhere, never had that problem with proper solder (lead in it), gave up and used plastic press fit fittings....
This side of the pond, PEX is picking up.

Friend of mine used the press on "shark bites" for main house feed. Found out that they were unable to withstand a restart pressure pulse when the street feed was turned back on. Now, he uses the crimp style with the tool.

Leaks everywhere means either inadequate cleaning, inadequate heat source, or old flux.

3/4 copper is harder to do, I really had to turn up the torch, while 1/2 copper was easy..

I had a tin of flux that gave me a really hard time. It was about a year old, but would not work well for me where previously it did. Bought a new tin, and it worked very well. I didn't know the paste had such a short shelf life.

Leaks everywhere means either inadequate cleaning, inadequate heat source, or old flux.
Twas my first and last go with lead free solder, flux was bought with the solder, so I'd say it was my lack of experience with lead free solder, and I used my portable flame thrower for the heat. The leaks were not massive but two or three dripping leaks did my head in...
Gonna use silver solder for plumbing in future, guaranteed an improved laminar flow:D
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