• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

phase splitter issue

Show me a simple schematic of any two grids that simultaneously drop to zero
when driven by a Concertina. Done, put a fork in it...

A grid load is, for most concertina applications, a high resistance (the grid leak) in parallel with the input capacitance. I've experimentally confirmed that my model gives accurate results for that.

You may be confusing what the concertina drives with how one defines Thevenin source impedances for each of the output polarities (open circuit voltage divided by short circuit current- neither of these is normal operation for any amplifier).
Killing me, leadbelly? With data from bad models? Just tell me one thing: how does the (two-node) Thevenin theorem possibly, conceiveably, by any stretch of the imagination, jive with an impedance that is measured by shorting three nodes together?

Why in the world, leadbelly, would anyone give any consideration to data obtained from bad models? Should I pay any attention to somebody who wants to refine the Ptolemaic model of planetary motion with new data?

Experimental data is data, period. It doesn't come from a model. The model is used to explain the result. So, if you want to disprove SY's model, show how the data also fits your correct model, or instead fails to cover part of the experimental space.