Possibly the worst assumption in audio electronics

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Well they do seem to be popping up everywhere so why not?

It is not enough!

We already exploited Thermodynamics in order to justify destruction of nature; now we have more of engines than needed that waste resources accumulted by self-organizing and self - evolving live nature; now we need to roll back in order to survive, so new laws need to formulated that allow to regenerate and reproduce what we vitally need in order to survive.
Some insight, yes- but NO-ONE has the answer yet. That's why it's fun research. Self-organizing systems are very hot right now (in an interest sense, not temperature). But whatever it is, it's overwhelmingly likely that it will be something physical, not extra-physical.

Every observed biological process has followed well-established laws and principles of physics and chemistry. No exceptions yet, so the odds are that, no matter how interesting the discoveries, their bases will be the same as any other chemical reaction. Biology has been a rich field but nothing discovered there has caused physicists or chemists to go back to the drawing board.
It is not enough! <snip> now we need to roll back in order to survive

OK, so let's exterminate those cable manufacturers who create the myriad of 'information' about their superior sonic qualities in order to justify the outlay. That should cure of at least some of the evils and excesses. You'll excuse me while I go hone my lance?
Some insight, yes- but NO-ONE has the answer yet. That's why it's fun research. Self-organizing systems are very hot right now (in an interest sense, not temperature). But whatever it is, it's overwhelmingly likely that it will be something physical, not extra-physical.

Every observed biological process has followed well-established laws and principles of physics and chemistry. No exceptions yet, so the odds are that, no matter how interesting the discoveries, their bases will be the same as any other chemical reaction. Biology has been a rich field but nothing discovered there has caused physicists or chemists to go back to the drawing board.

Sure. Phenomena of coherence and non-locality are well known in physics, but have no use in mainstream biology that still tries to explain mentality by primitive electrical and chemical reactions in neuron cells.
There are many hypotheses that have not yet been experimentally verified (e.g., string "theory") and promoted to the level of theory. What makes them valid hypotheses is that they are subject to falsification, they do not invoke extra-physical phenomena, and they lead to a program.

How might a physicist go about designing an experiment to falsify the existence of additional 'curled up' dimensions?
Sure. Phenomena of coherence and non-locality are well known in physics, but have no use in mainstream biology that still tries to explain mentality by primitive electrical and chemical reactions in neuron cells.

And it works pretty well, too. I'm fortunate to work for one of the best neurobiologists in the world and the stuff he does just astounds me.
Signal transmission of neural cells fall apart when we try to calculate speed needed for mental activity, CNS activity, and so on. Also, cells themselves communicate... And so on.

My point was exactly highlighted by Abraxalito. We live in the society where if facts can't be explained by mainstream schoolbook science that facts as if don't exist. Negative mass hallucinations is a norm in such a case. So journalists when write about something they've discovered in works of scientists try to "prove" facts by fantastic theories making readers laugh; as the results very significant facts described in articles are dismissed by readers, together with theories the journalist used.

It's back to the topic.

So, what do we know about worst assumptions in audio electronics? ;)

I mean, facts. No theories please. :D
Signal transmission of neural cells fall apart when we try to calculate speed needed for mental activity,

Senior author Professor Michael Hausser commented: "This research indicates that single neurons are reliable decoders of temporal sequences of inputs, and that they can play a significant role in sorting and interpreting the enormous barrage of inputs received by the brain.

"This new property of neurons and dendrites adds an important new element to the "toolkit" for computation in the brain. This feature is likely to be widespread across many brain areas and indeed many different animal species, including humans."

still no need to invoke quantum mechanics.
Single neurons can detect sequences
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