I don't believe cables make a difference, any input?

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I don't feel that these types of "tests" are relevant. I listen to a system for pleasure and nothing more. What I may or may not hear is personal and part of setting up my system.
These tests will never dissuade any listeners, so what is their purpose? Will it make the disbelievers sleep better at night? I am not sure what the purpose of these tests are for other than to further the "I'm right and your wrong" argument is all. Why not just let it go? Nothing is going to change regardless of any tests like this is all that I am saying.

So where is the answer to an alternative? I don't care? Is that it?

Why then did you feel the need to comment earlier.

It has been said many times, and by many more than just me, good on you, go for it, have whatever you wish to have in your system that gives you greater enjoyment.

go for it,with my blessings (as if that means anything to anyone hehehehe)

But, the second you make a claim about it's audio qualities, then you should be able to back it up.

Why do cables get singled out? I mean I know from my own matrix test that the differences between electronics can, on the whole, be described as minor, so why do we concentrate on cables? (go peter aczel:D)

Dunno really, perhaps we can see from circuit topology at least a reason that might explain sonic differences in amps for example ??

But for cables...especially the advertising, the stinking, reeking, steam still rising marketing shite that goes with it, not only are there no reasons for a difference, most of the stuff is complete perversion of science, used only as buzzwords.

Quantum tunneling?? FFS! Can't wait till the next generation of cables come out...we've been thru the atomic phase, well into the quantum phase and looking forward to the black hole phase,then we can really suck the audio nasties out of our signal. The vacuum cleaner cables.

Boy. The modern education system has a lot to answer for really. Most people seem to have a complete absence of the most primitive sort of scientific knowledge.

Go the creation museum...hmm, I wonder in which country we are most likely to find those? The one with the greatest decline in education??? dunno.

Andre, it would be quite enlightening. From the little description I gave, can you rank the factors in order of importance that made you so certain that my deaf wife could tell from the kitchen which was which, rip her clothes off and throw herself upon me?? (about frickin time too I might add)

List the AA(tm) beliefs in order...was it the cables?? the cdp?? the top notch pre (even tho I canna remember what it was)

Rank them please.

RDF. For sure, there are a few reasonable guys around, on both sides. I did illustrate with names examples of that. They did state quite clearly that they would fail dbts, as that is the nature of dbts. I did also imply that with the *you*

A variation of the creation debate in some way methinks. No longer accept the science findings, just lamely and blindly repeating 'science is wrong, we are right...science is wrong, we are right'. That way there will be plenty of visitors to the creation museum that will walk right past the Jesus holding the dinosaur' exhibit without comment.


I find it fascinating, a common thing in history is a group adopting previous symbols of oppression and turning them into a victory sign.

Plenty of examples...the christians turn the cross into the symbol of their religion, the gays turn the pink triangle from the nazi camps into a symbol of pride, the jews with their yellow star (tho of course that was an existing religious symbol)

Now we have the 'cable guys' starting this process, the symbol of their 'oppression' (dbt) no longer fighting it, but gleefully proclaiming that they know they will fail.

Can't wait till it appears on their sleeve at RMAF or something.

Ok ok, it's a work in progress alright??!!:D Overlook the flaws in thinking for now till I get it sorted in me 'ead.

Wonder what a dbt symbol would be...
I don't feel that these types of "tests" are relevant. I listen to a system for pleasure and nothing more. What I may or may not hear is personal and part of setting up my system.
These tests will never dissuade any listeners, so what is their purpose? Will it make the disbelievers sleep better at night? I am not sure what the purpose of these tests are for other than to further the "I'm right and your wrong" argument is all. Why not just let it go? Nothing is going to change regardless of any tests like this is all that I am saying.

Just to make sure that everybody gets the point in testing, instead of attributing anything from personal revenge, to ego-boosting to it.

No, it has nothing to do with neither of the above, but instead it's a matter of making progress, which is only possible by making tests of the experiments.
Not testing, but just guessing and believing, on the other hand, makes progress somewhat harder to achieve, as we don't get forward, but tend to run in circles.

Magura :)
Quantum tunneling?? FFS! Can't wait till the next generation of cables come out...we've been thru the atomic phase, well into the quantum phase and looking forward to the black hole phase,then we can really suck the audio nasties out of our signal. The vacuum cleaner cables.

Or maybe the Higgs particle cable: it gives cables the missing musicality that dbts have failed to detect!
presume you mean the nazi reference?

don't count. my illustration just happened to include the symbols the nazis required classes to wear.

it usually means the thread get's closed don't it??

boy, wouldn't THAT be a bad thing...not.

Godwin's Law applies especially to inappropriate, inordinate, or hyperbolic comparisons of other situations (or one's opponent) with Hitler or Nazis or their actions.

See? nothing to do with the above.

only came across godwins law myself a week or two ago...did not take long for me to be accused of it!!
Truly delightful would be a written reconciliation of that attitude with a proclaimed devotion to scientific process. They seem so, oh I don't know, diametrically opposed?
Being frivolous, too much seriousness and delight seem diametrically opposed to me. I just delight in terry j's posts, he has a fun attitude......and I kinda agree with most of what he is saying.....not that I am biased or anything. :)
Hi Panicos, well I have just visited their site and didn't see mention of "competition X,Z & PRO", maybe dicontinued or re-named.

Yes those cables were discontinued years ago_Others from their range-also discontinued-with similar geometry but different metals or insulations were:ruby3/quartz3,emerald3/lapis3 etc.....I am not familiar with newer models from them or indeed most manufacturers.I am using some good cables,but cable changing-all-the-time,is not my way of enjoying my system or music:)
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