Whats the LAST movie you have watched?

Netflix “The Midnight Sky”. I’ve always considered Clooney to be highly over-rated, and there are certainly some moments here that require suspension of disbelief - most notably the underwater scene - but overall I quite enjoyed it.
Then for some reason, I clicked on the Ethan Hawke “biopic” Tesla. Even though that was a complete train wreck art house abomination, I couldn’t quite turn it off. Historical accuracy be damned, I rather enjoyed Gaffigan’s George Westinghouse - moustache and all.
David Fincher’s “Mank”. Rather an artful piece I thought, and quite an interesting backstory to the production.
While decades older than the character he portrayed, Oldman’s performance is certainly masterful, most particularly the banquet soliloquy; of which according to Amanda there were over 100 takes filmed.
“The Man From Earth” (original 2007 version). Rather interesting plot line by Jerome Bixby, with a great cast of talking heads.
There was a follow up in 2017 with several of same characters, but rather a mess compacted to the first IMHO, but then I’m no cineaste or professional reviewer.