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Maya 200 Current output

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I'm curious how the Maya would do under difficult speaker loads such as a well known speaker of 86.4dB/W that is known to thrive when driven with monster amplifiers.

How about some of the planar speakers whose impedance drops pretty low under load?

Any pearls of wisdom that you might share with the curious Hugh or others?
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Hi Peter,

I have tried the Maya with Quad ESL63s here in Melbourne and it didn't even break a sweat. The owner was amazed, as they are a very tough load.

OTOH, this is not your question; what is the performance with 86dB/watt/metre? I think pretty good, because it has 65V rails and very powerful output devices so I would assume no issue at all. One of these devices is rated to 69A, and the other is 48A. That should be sufficient, particularly as mosfets, which do not suffer from secondary breakdown, although there are some other constraints. So, up to around 300W and even at 4R loads the Maya should be absolutely fine.

Thanks for the questions!


Hi Hugh,

Just an update... I sold my big JBLs and have been without speakers for about a month, and just today my buddy brought over a pair of those 86db/W speakers I mentioned earlier.

I've only been listening for a few hours now, but the Maya doesn't appear to be adversely affected by the more difficult load. The case is a few degrees warmer, which is barely warm.

These speakers sound quite a bit different than the JBLs, but I've also just changed my preamp tubes, which apparently need about 50 hours or so to open up, so I can't tell yet which one is the main causal difference in the sound.

That being said, there is more than enough bass and power to drive these big speakers to levels way louder than I can stand. Nice!


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My God, Peter, those speakers look like control panels on a Stargate!! They look terrific, like post-modern decor.......

I would actually expect the Maya to drive difficult speakers because they have low feedback, less than 30dB. Maya drives ESL63 to almost destruction of the diaphragms.

I'm very pleased the bass is up to standard. You are a critical listener, like so many here, but with your experience with lots of systems you are a better judge than most!

Thanks for your thoughts, appreciated.


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That is kind of you to word it that way Hugh. My wife and friends would say that I am more obsessive and neurotic than most. Ha!

My wife walked in yesterday, took one look at the speakers and said "they look like octopus tentacles, put the covers on them".
Hi Hugh,

Just an update... I sold my big JBLs and have been without speakers for about a month, and just today my buddy brought over a pair of those 86db/W speakers I mentioned earlier.

I've only been listening for a few hours now, but the Maya doesn't appear to be adversely affected by the more difficult load. The case is a few degrees warmer, which is barely warm.

These speakers sound quite a bit different than the JBLs, but I've also just changed my preamp tubes, which apparently need about 50 hours or so to open up, so I can't tell yet which one is the main causal difference in the sound.

That being said, there is more than enough bass and power to drive these big speakers to levels way louder than I can stand. Nice!

Holy s*** ( can i swear in this forum? )
I thought my SF's were big but those are the real WAF killer !

Your wife's comment reminds me of John Cleese in Fawlty Towers. He dashes into his bolt hole near the hotel front reception and turns on his small cassette player for a spot of classical music.

Sybil: 'What's that terrible racket?'
Fawlty: 'Brahms Third Racket, Darling'.
Sybil: 'Oh. Well it's nasty, turn it off'.

Ah well, culture comes in different ways........

I am talking about a SVS PB16, for those who never met the beast, here it is:
SVS PB16-Ultra Subwoofer Exclusive Pre-Review Blog - AVSForum.com

(that is not me, but i found it funny this guy unboxing it)

Don't know if you've seen the Aussie film "Crocodile Dundee", saf ... but I would have to say that's not a sub ... this is a sub! :D

I have 2 of these sealed subs:
* outside dimensions of the cabinets are 890 high x 395 wide x 600 deep.
* 15" Dayton dual voice coil 'Ultimax' driver.
* 19mm max excursion.
* 800w (into 4 ohms) Hypex plate amp - interestingly enough, this has a linear PS ... not a SMPS! :)



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Andy and I enjoyed a coffee today as we wrestled with his zero feedback phono preamp. We have it correct now, we think.......

Your sub is very large, it would be very good on Jurassic Park, that T Rex scene is so horrific I break out laughing, particularly if the sub is really big.

I have two, one of which is isobaric, and the other is TL. Most of the time I don't use them, because they dominate the sonic landscape!

Don't know if you've seen the Aussie film "Crocodile Dundee", saf ... but I would have to say that's not a sub ... this is a sub! :D

I have 2 of these sealed subs:
* outside dimensions of the cabinets are 890 high x 395 wide x 600 deep.
* 15" Dayton dual voice coil 'Ultimax' driver.
* 19mm max excursion.
* 800w (into 4 ohms) Hypex plate amp - interestingly enough, this has a linear PS ... not a SMPS! :)



Lets not start comparing d*** here ! Ehehehh

BUT....this sub is :
640 x 550 X 720 = 253 litres vol
16" driver
1500W continuos RMS

Yours is :
890 high x 395 wide x 600 deep = 208 litres Vol
15" driver
400W into 4ohm

Hey...but 2 subs are better than one integration wise!
From a pure slam impact deep Hz, i prefer 1 bigger sub though...
Also this is a ported design, wich goes even lower. I dont turn it on for music though, my floorstanders are more than enough.
But like Hugh said, the T-Rex in the room shakes quite a bit with it ! love the thrill it provides.

I see your point about the Crocodile Dundee , knife size right?
Paul Hogan was my childhood hero, the first time i spoke to Hugh on the phone....i said to him....WOW you sound just like the Crocodile Dundee !!!
My God, Filipe, it will take me some days to live this down........:eek:
One of Hogan's wonderful styles was his deliberate speech of an uneducated man. When I went to the States people could not figure out if I was Australian or Brit (I was born in South Australia, one of the few 'free' settler states in Australia. The rest, ahem, were descended from convicts, and jail warders).
I have to say that I would be more concerned about the warders! :eek:


Lets not start comparing d*** here ! Ehehehh

BUT....this sub is :
640 x 550 X 720 = 253 litres vol
16" driver
1500W continuos RMS

Yours is :
890 high x 395 wide x 600 deep = 208 litres Vol
15" driver
400W into 4ohm

Hey...but 2 subs are better than one integration wise!
From a pure slam impact deep Hz, i prefer 1 bigger sub though...
Also this is a ported design, wich goes even lower. I dont turn it on for music though, my floorstanders are more than enough.
But like Hugh said, the T-Rex in the room shakes quite a bit with it ! love the thrill it provides.

I see your point about the Crocodile Dundee , knife size right?
Paul Hogan was my childhood hero, the first time i spoke to Hugh on the phone....i said to him....WOW you sound just like the Crocodile Dundee !!!

Yes, true, saf ... 'xept the amps are 800w into 4 ohms. ;)

I get useful output down to 16Hz ... how do I know? Bcoz I have a test track on an otherwise normal Bach organ LP which has 10s each of:
* 16Hz
* 12Hz, and
* 8Hz.

My Maggies by themsleves can't deliver any of these frequencies ... but, since I added the subs, I can hear the 16Hz note loud and clear.

I do have the subs on for music (there's no TV in the system) - they add bass heft to my Maggies. :D (But, from measuring the response with REW, I've been able to dial them in so I don't have the bass heavy response that Hugh talked about ... they just add a bottom end to the Maggies that is sorely missed, without them. :) My miniDSP unit has 4 stored configs - one config is with the Maggies playing full range and subs muted ... it's obvious which is the better-sounding config. :D )

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