Simple autoplay from USB

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I've searched the last 2 weeks for Audio Players for my Raspberry Pi, but yet haven't found one that fits my purpose.
In theory its really simple:
My hardware includes a Pi (2 or 3) and a cheap amplifier plus speakers, there is no need for a good hifi experience.
I just want an offline player, that starts very quickly (because no special modules/services) and auto play all audio data on the USB stick I insert. Its headless and should work without any command, just like switching music CD's.

I tried PiCorePlayer because of its merit to poweroff without harm, but couldn't get it to work. Forum members said the player has to be online and can't autoplay.
MoOde, Volumio and RuneAudio should be similar and have way more features I don't want. MoOde ought to have many configurations, but the same problem as PiCorePlayer I estimate?

My next steps would be trying Archlinuxarm and then pygame, but I also don't know if it works there.
What would be the best solution for my task?

If it has to be online, I will accept that, but USB autoplay on boot and switching USB stick has to work!

Thanks in advance!

You have a little bit specific requirements. Probably Peppy Player could fulfill them. It's not required to have the Internet connection though to use Web UI you need a local network connection.
You can try to install the headless disk image:
Disk Images * project-owner/PeppyPlayers.doc Wiki * GitHub

Then open Web UI/Audio Files and make a long press (about 1 sec) on the initial folder. The player will start playing recursively all files in that folder. Then from the Web UI you can shutdown the player and it will save the current folder/file/track/position and it will resume the playback from that point after start.

If your 'no network' requirement means that you cannot use even local network and Web UI then you can just configure the playback in the /home/pi/Peppy/current.txt file. Specify the follwing info:
file.playback.mode = recursive
folder = /home/pi/music
file.playlist =
file = first-file-to-play.flac
track.time =

It will start playback from that folder/file after restart. The only problem is that to save the current state you need a "graceful" shutdown which can be done only from UI. In the next release (a couple months away) I'll add support for the hardware Shutdown button. It will cause the "graceful" software shutdown.

Please let me know if you will have any issue.
Best regards
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