What was the world's first stringed instrument?

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String Historian
The world's first stringed instrument has been unveiled at Qazvin's Saad al-Saltanah; its 4,000-year-old anthem is to be performed and its sample best performed by the UN Secretary-General.

The instrument is a half model based on historical information from the fourth millennium BC, from which the rest of the world's stringed instruments have come up with the most advanced piano.
This powerful instrument, with the most advanced mechanism of resonance box structure, has the ability to perform up to 3 musical distances and is capable of performing all melodies. It's gone and some of its notes have been found on old boulders known as cuneiform tablets.
...oldest stringed instrument...4,000-year-old
The oldest bone flute we know of is about 42,000 - 43,000 years old ( Hear the World's Oldest Instrument, the "Neanderthal Flute," Dating Back Over 43,000 Years | Open Culture ).

There's no way the oldest stringed instrument is only 4,000 years old. I cannot believe that it took 39,000 years for people to go from making bone flutes to figuring out that plucked strings make sounds, too.

Strings made from organic materials (vines, animal hairs, deer tendons, etc) are unlikely to survive 40,000 years. Instruments with bodies made of gourds don't survive 40,000 years, either.

Most likely there were early stringed instruments with hollow gourds for bodies, a stick for a neck, and plant-fibre or horse-hair or animal tendon strings on it, contemporary with those bone flutes, tens of thousands of years ago. But, unlike bone, they wouldn't have survived the onslaught of 40,000 years of insects, bacteria, and weathering.

Not that bone normally survives 43,000 years - that was a miraculous piece of luck.

The Ngoni and its family of similar instruments from West Africa gives us an idea what even older stringed instruments might have looked like: Ngoni (instrument - Wikipedia)

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