Fishman Rare Earth Blend replica

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Hi All!

Just wanted to share my, entirely handmade, Fishman replica project.
Here are the photos and some technical data of this mic/magnetic pickup system I have built, it took a month of constructing and testing.

The Fishman replica pickup system:

1. ECM MKE-5B with miniature audio-transformer (40-16000 Hz, 250 Ohm, 4,5 V. Made in USSR)
2. Magnetic pickup of Single and Hum-canceling options (On/Off) - 3,4 kOhm and 1,6 kOhm
3. Weight: 2,5 Oz (70 gr)

The pickup is built using neodymium magnet disks, magnet wire 43" AWG, three batteries LR44; the housing of the pickup is built of different plastic components which are easy to shape and available around.

Just a few aspects about the overall sound and quality... switching into the laptop's mic In, the pickup has almost '0' hum even with the single coil; with switched hum-canceling coil and mic, the pickup is absolutely clean, that can be considered as a good result.
The housing of the pickup and all the internal connections have 3 different layers of shielding in total, I think, that is why the pickup has such a clarity.
Note: turning the mic closer to the top, even 1-2 mm out of the sound-hole makes it sound more natural; in the body of the guitar it has more 'boxy' sound...
More photos on my website (in Georgian)
Here are the pictures:



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