menu forum

until six years ago I didn't know of the existence of karlson and Multiple entry horn audio speakers, I don't know how to classify them but they stand out from the others because they are strange, curious and original, maybe the right word is unconventional? . now I wonder if there are other strange Loudspeakers like these that I don't know exist, I don't know if they are currently inserted in the Planars & Exotics submenu but it would be nice to have an extra item in the Loudspeakers menu in which to write about others like these.
it would be nice and convenient for those who know little like me, to find in this menu highlighted titles in which we talk about what these Loudspeakers can do as a hasty encyclopedia with a few lines would do, no need to insert so much stuff, a links like these:
Karlsonkast - Wikipedia
Horn loudspeaker - Wikipedia
then later if you want to learn more, you can look for it in the forum.