What to do with old broken amplifier

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I too have had a couple of the dg250's. I noticed some of them
had 2 pair of output devices and some of them had 3 pair of outputs. I gutted one a long time ago and tried to put a Pass
A40 in there but it just wasn't up to disipating 200w at what
I thaught was a safe tempature. I also have a dead one and would like to see the schematic.
Quatre QMI GC300 maintenance or upgrades

Hello Quatre fans. I owned a 250 years ago and used it with the original Maggies. I just purchased a QMI GC300 online. I sold these long ago when I worked in an audio store. It had the most amazing bass and drove the Infinity RS1 bass stacks. It was wonderful. I wanted help checking out the GC300 before connecting it to any speakers. I am not sure how to bias or set the DC offset or what should be replaced right away? Any help would be fantastic.
"I gutted one a long time ago and tried to put a Pass
A40 in there but it just wasn't up to disipating 200w at what
I thaught was a safe tempature. "

Did you give any thought on reducing the bias?

I've made 600W amps with the A40 board.
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