Optimal flare for reduced particle velocity


Joined 2003
My 'knee jerk' response is Dr. Geddes' OS WG, but being designed with the goal of high directivity control, not sure if it would be optimal for a vent.

LspCad's optimal vent was a baffled flare, but don't recall what its flare shape was called. Catenoid, maybe?

Cubic expansion laws are generally pretty good for nozzles, although a speaker makes a different than normal boundary condition. But you want to know your Reynolds numbers, albeit we want them low. So "low Reynolds number nozzle design" will give you a few NASA/NACA papers for your consumption.

Do you have a CNC to fabricate the nozzle is the better question! Otherwise, probably okay to use the off the shelf ones. :)
Maximizing Performance of Loudspeaker Ports

Too abrupt a change in velocity still leads to losses. Optimally, the flare rate should minimize turbulent eddy formation and early boundary layer separation is what I gather from it. You didn't mention if you were talking about ports or not, but I still figured you could gather information from that paper.

I didnt mention a port, but yes I need the info for ports too! I'm designing a Skram like subwoofer, and I'm looking into all the ways to optimally design the vents AND horn mouth. Thanks for the link!