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FS: NEW Slagle Elma 47 Position Autoformers (AVC)


New and 100% unused and state of the art Elma autoformers (AVC) from Dave Slagle/Intact Audio.

The autoformers were acquired in 2019 for a project that will not be completed. The photo is of the actual autoformers for sale. They will be shipped in their original boxes.

The Slagle Elma autoformers are sold for 900USD + shipping from Intact Audio.

The Slagle autoformers will outperform most active preamplifers out there - and many fine TVC's🙂

I will ship the Elma autoformers anywhere for 650 Euro. Payment by PayPal as a gift (or +4% PayPal Fee)

The autoformers are located Europe so there will be no added VAT or taxes for European buyers.

This is from the description from Intacts website:

Clamor for a higher quality switch version of the autoformers lead me to designing a custom circuit board with hard gold plated contacts that integrates to an elma switch mounted directly on the board. The top of the line unit is a 47 position stereo attenuator that goes seamlessly from +5dB to -51.25dB in 47 1.25dB steps. This stereo unit can also be wired as a mono balanced unit. (Dimensions 2.9” wide by 2.25” tall and 3.3” deep with the knob being offset and 0.6" from the edge)


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