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ESS9018 I/V

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Well, we have no information other than advertisement claims (which claim DSD-input compatibility and dedicated DSD DF), but as far as 9018 features go, i can't imagine how could they do 'em in pure DSD (DF, ASRC (is it active in DSD?), and volume control/soft mute)...
Then the multibit DS modulator, it definitely needs to see more than 1 bit to work, so it should see a variance of PCM, may be not the full blown 32bit version... 8bit may suffice.
Javier told me also ESS9018 is multi SDM not 1bit, that's can't say play DSD native.

Alright... hmm it might have been a different one of their DACs, but I thought it was about the 9018 since that was what their presentation was on. There is discussion on WBF forum about the MSB DAC and someone said MSB says that their DACs do native DSD as well. But they are also multibit (ladder) DACs.
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I don't need differential output.

I seem to recall that the ES9018 has differential output. This means that your circuit will need differential input. The circuit you posted does not have a differential input.

I could be wrong on this. It's been about a year since I went through the ESS datasheets. "Conveniently", they aren't available for download - unlike those of any other semiconductor manufacturer - and I deleted the email with the datasheet from their disti once my interest in their products waned. I also recall that the ES9018 is $60 in low quantity.

Good luck with your project.

merlin el mago do you have more information on Borbely PCM1704 DAC? I can't find much information on it since he retired and took down his website.

PCM1704 is one of my favorite D/A converters (all of my old DACs were opamp output), but I really like ES9018 based around reference design (AD797 output). Majority of my listening is with 16/44.1 CD material.
PCM1704 outputs 2mA, has almost no glitch, the glitch frequency is rather low (8xFs oversampled, 1xFs NOS). The output is single-ended.

ES9018 outputs 8mA, it's output is polluted by very-high-frequency noise (>10MHz), is differential.

To cope with ES9018, you'll have to go
- x10-x100 more bandwidth I/V
- have 1/4 input impedance
- have 4x more power to deliver into it's current inputs (linear power - keep it in class A, most of the opamps (all of them?) would go out of their bias point much sooner)
- 2x more circuits (differential)
- use precision components and symmetric layout as you want the >1MHz noise cancelled out at the input of LPF/differentiator
- Ah, you'll need differentiator too, to convert bal to SE output

A "tad" more complicated than PCM1704...
Given the I/V for PCM1704 should be an art to some degree to keep it's linearity and sonic performance...
Then the ES9018 I/V is kinda... impossible to do right for human beings 🙂
merlin el mago do you have more information on Borbely PCM1704 DAC? I can't find much information on it since he retired and took down his website.

PCM1704 is one of my favorite D/A converters (all of my old DACs were opamp output), but I really like ES9018 based around reference design (AD797 output). Majority of my listening is with 16/44.1 CD material.

You can contact Erno Borbely by Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ernoborbely, if you want to buy his products Erno will give you your nearest local dealer.
PCM1704 outputs 2mA, has almost no glitch, the glitch frequency is rather low (8xFs oversampled, 1xFs NOS). The output is single-ended.

ES9018 outputs 8mA, it's output is polluted by very-high-frequency noise (>10MHz), is differential.

To cope with ES9018, you'll have to go
- x10-x100 more bandwidth I/V
- have 1/4 input impedance
- have 4x more power to deliver into it's current inputs (linear power - keep it in class A, most of the opamps (all of them?) would go out of their bias point much sooner)
- 2x more circuits (differential)
- use precision components and symmetric layout as you want the >1MHz noise cancelled out at the input of LPF/differentiator
- Ah, you'll need differentiator too, to convert bal to SE output

A "tad" more complicated than PCM1704...
Given the I/V for PCM1704 should be an art to some degree to keep it's linearity and sonic performance...
Then the ES9018 I/V is kinda... impossible to do right for human beings 🙂

I never said was easy....
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