John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part III

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And isn't it also the case that the same sound events can lead to different perceptions?

Most likely are the internal representations of the physical reality different for different people, that is what I've meant with the variability between humans (intersubject variability, leaving aside other aspects for the moment)

Unless this mapping is done on an individual basis it has limited value in correlating measurements to perceptions

Psychoacoustics is often/mainly interested in the cause-effect-relation on average for a population, so in this regard it is quite often the other way round, means on the individual level the general relations are of (can be) of limited relevance.

But, maybe i misunderstood your post......
Most likely are the internal representations of the physical reality different for different people, that is what I've meant with the variability between humans (intersubject variability, leaving aside other aspects for the moment)

Psychoacoustics is often/mainly interested in the cause-effect-relation on average for a population, so in this regard it is quite often the other way round, means on the individual level the general relations are of (can be) of limited relevance.

But, maybe i misunderstood your post......

So where would the adjectives fit into it?

There’s the basics like, loud, detailed, dynamic ....etc.

Then there’s different levels of those like ‘very loud’ or ‘not very detailed’....etc.

These all seem fairly accepted if they come from people who are in the know.

Then when you start attaching emotional references to a listening event it freaks out the scientific crowd......why is this, the randomness? we do live in a random world, I think there’s more relevance to be gained from studying from this angle.
There’s the basics like, loud, detailed, dynamic ....etc.

Then there’s different levels of those like ‘very loud’ or ‘not very detailed’....etc.
Those are decided by the director, more or less... :stop:

These all seem fairly accepted if they come from people who are in the know.
There should be a lot more.
Now I understand why Dave( Planet 10 ) gets always attacked when speaking about micro details and so on. It's one thing one got to accept for continuing discussion, otherwise it's just "rubbish!"

Then when you start attaching emotional references to a listening event it freaks out the scientific crowd......why is this, the randomness? we do live in a random world, I think there’s more relevance to be gained from studying from this angle.

It's just because the only shared words are the same loudness, dynamics ( not to get into the speaker technicality where dispersion, lobing, interference etc. group delay! OMG! What is GD ?:p) and this brings to the previous point: if you don't accept someone else's reality, well, that's psychological!
Those are decided by the director, more or less... :stop:

There should be a lot more.
Now I understand why Dave( Planet 10 ) gets always attacked when speaking about micro details and so on. It's one thing one got to accept for continuing discussion, otherwise it's just "rubbish!"

It's just because the only shared words are the same loudness, dynamics ( not to get into the speaker technicality where dispersion, lobing, interference etc. group delay! OMG! What is GD ?:p) and this brings to the previous point: if you don't accept someone else's reality, well, that's psychological!

So basically once all the technical aspects are covered there’s nothing left to discuss, then..... ‘it sounds as it should’ ! :D
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You guys old enough definitely know this one:

Physics is the church, and engineering the most devout sinner. Physics is the domain of beauty, law, order, awe and mystery of purest sort; engineering is partial observance of the laws, and puttering with machines which never work quite as they should work: engineering, like acts of sin, is the process proceeding boldly into complex and often forbidden matters about which one does not know enough - the laws remain to be elucidated - but the experience of the past and hunger for the taste of the new experience attract one forward. So bridges were built long before men could perform the mathematics of the bending moment.
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Joined 2012
Hey Mark(4) -

Usually behind cabinet doors --- this time opened doors and I noticed this red light on my amp flicker on with the music..... I got a flash light to read what the light was telling -- and it said "clipping". OMG! These are 5000 W/channel amps, too.

Its some sort of digital bridged amp design and if one speaker term is grounded, it has so much current capability, some signal still gets thru to the high effec. speakers (JBL M2).

No wonder it had sounded so poorly. I had this problem several times before. Guess, I never got it fixed right. NOW, it sounds amazing. Clear and delicate cymbals, reverb et al.

I had taken the amp out to measure its internal cross-over characteristics...planning to make my own xover. Thats when I found the short to chassis.

What fun this sport can be at times. :eek:

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This ‘emotion’ in the playback is something I strive for in a setup.....a oneness with the music, if it’s not there I’m not happy. I really have no idea what ‘it’ is.

I think I have always get this in my systems since around 10 years ago when my amp was a special TDA2030A and my speaker was a transmission line with fourth order L-R. It was a revelation. I was designing the speaker, so the determinant factor is the speaker and as for the amp (quasi, 'darlington' LTP), it just didn't get in the way.

I would say that this is just an effect of tone correctness and resolution.

Sensuality is a big thing for men. Decades ago, we couldn't perceive if image of a woman (or man) on TV was sensual or not. Many celebrities, when they don't have pretty face, they usually have sensuality (sex appeal) that you will see only in 'real life'. With recent 4K TV, sensuality can be perceived easily. This is color/tone resolution (and correctness).

Our eyes and brain also have the ability to judge if someone is lying or conveying specific emotions by looking at special micro changes on the face and gesture (called micro expression in Psychology). Our ears also have this same ability by hearing and analyzing the micro tone of the voice. Most of the time they (eyes and ears) work together that it could be tricky to segregate what ears alone can do.

So, a sound system should have a good 'resolution' to convey emotion. My revelation was to find out that resolution is not just about details but important is the 'correctness' of the tones.

There are two things about tone correctness. First, is the phase accuracy (this will be controversial to discuss). Next is inter-modulation. White noise should be 'relaxing'. Inter-modulation can add sharpness to the sound. Terribly fatiguing.

Regarding resolution, I use lightweight (but rigid of course) cone material (and the total mms) in speaker (there are many other tricks in speaker design to achieve this). In amplifier design it is important to focus on linearity as it will give the tone correctness. It is also important that the sound is big and open instead of closed in. For this I have always maximized OLG while keeping the other thresholds in checks.

Bob, do you like singing? Can you differentiate a singer that is good at basic vocal techniques but often you don't like listening to her/him because they cannot forget the technique and thus do not sing 'with emotions'? My system can differentiate great singers from the previous I mentioned. Adele, is a singer that I have never liked in my systems (the music/songs are great, such that they are usually better when sung by other singers).
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