John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part III

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If you ever get the chance to play with one of these,

Convolution reverb - Wikipedia

check it out. Lets you listen to hundreds of real rooms, concert halls, studios, and even churches and canyons, than adjust there parameters. And even copy your own. They are pretty amazing at recreating real rooms. I know dialoge editors/mixers that use the snap of the clapper at the begining of a take to reproduce the reverb for ADR ( lines recorded in the studio ) something that could sometimes be impossible otherwise.
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Joined 2012
Hello, T;

All details of the how-to and the before and after results/graphs are shown in my Head Phone Ampfifier article for Linear Audio publication. .

You need the capsule from a Panasonic or other tiny electret microphone to measure inside/between the ear and the headphone cup. Alternatively, a small diam mic with a probe attached to it (also described in the art.)

THx- RNMarsh

Here is the result; It was compared to $$$ Torso-Head Ear simulated dummy. Results were nearly the identical except mine is more accurate because it is using my own head/ear shape/size rather than a generic type.

View attachment MNstr HPA EQ.pdf

This is where EQ works to make repro more accurate.... headphones and near-field listening.

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A funny thing happened today, I have no idea how to do tax returns in retirement so I filed for the automatic extension to figure it out. The form had a warning that the IRS can not accept checks for > $100,000,000. Really there are people that go to the post office to file the little 2 1/2 by 8 1/2 tear off form and include a check for >$100,000,000?
But let's be honest here: wood has a strong visual impact on our perception of a space.
hhoyt, i told-you in what condition such a visual can have few or null impact on the mixer. Now, and this is a serious question, did-you think that a warmer visual environment can change the mood of the musician, and make them play "warmer" ?
This question is serious, because I know that, during intimate recording sessions, the way the sound engineer feel the music and return the vibes can have as much influence than any technical skill or the audience of a concert.

I remember the comments of a collègue, about a marvelous record of a great french artist sayin. "During the first take, i was unhappy with the sound of the bass, muddy etc. Nobody was happy during the listening. They return for an other take and suddenly something magical happens, you know, groove. The sound of the bass was perfect".
I thought the Prez himself said anyone who pays taxes is an idiot.
It's just the context of an individual who needs a little more time
but needs to send $100,000,000 a bit rare I would think.

They would likely already be making quarterly estimated tax payments, anyway.
Even I have to do that, being an lifelong idiot. Just finished a month of CPA agony.
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Here is the result; It was compared to $$$ Torso-Head Ear simulated dummy. Results were nearly the identical except mine is more accurate because it is using my own head/ear shape/size rather than a generic type.
Did-you tried to make the same with speakers (mics in the hears) ? It could help as well. I mean, a generic hear as well, in this case, because the sound in the air is supposed to be the same for everybody, not influenced so much by volume or special form oh hear.
But, at least, allow to get a similar directivity that *we* have in all the directions, that are not the same of those of any mike.
The idea being to correct that matters, and get rid of corrections to reflexions that do not matters, that destroy what matters. My poor English, i hope it is understandable.
Another profound point, Linkedin today, "Operations Manager at Fruit of the Loom, Inc. and 9 other jobs for you" is this the same AI that does the autonomous cars, it figures.?

Around here I have been sharing the roads with them since the mid 80's. As far as I know there have been no local accidents where the AI was at fault.

Now many of the traffic lights are AI controlled. A quick problem showed up, they forgot about pedestrians! So they did have to add cameras for that. Noticeably better traffic flow.

IFR the AI pedestrian fatality was for a Muntzed system.

Hands down AI beats no I! Now are you going to tell me about never having seen folks drive you have wondered about?
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Joined 2012
Did-you tried to make the same with speakers (mics in the hears) ? It could help as well. I mean, a generic hear as well, in this case, because the sound in the air is supposed to be the same for everybody, not influenced so much by volume or special form oh hear.
But, at least, allow to get a similar directivity that *we* have in all the directions, that are not the same of those of any mike.
The idea being to correct that matters, and get rid of corrections to reflexions that do not matters, that destroy what matters. My poor English, i hope it is understandable.

Would you try that again? I dont understand.

hhoyt, i told-you in what condition such a visual can have few or null impact on the mixer. Now, and this is a serious question, did-you think that a warmer visual environment can change the mood of the musician, and make them play "warmer" ?
This question is serious, because I know that, during intimate recording sessions, the way the sound engineer feel the music and return the vibes can have as much influence than any technical skill or the audience of a concert.

I remember the comments of a collègue, about a marvelous record of a great french artist sayin. "During the first take, i was unhappy with the sound of the bass, muddy etc. Nobody was happy during the listening. They return for an other take and suddenly something magical happens, you know, groove. The sound of the bass was perfect".

I do think the appearance of a recording space affects the way a musician feels, and then plays. Really, in 30+ years of recording experience, I have found 90% of musicians pick a studio ONLY because of the "vibe" associated with it. This may be due to it's appearance, or more likely due to that studio having made a recording they liked, or which was a hit. They feel the "vibe" will also apply to their recording and increase the chances their recording will get some of the magic of the previous recordings.

Human perception doesn't vary as much and not as uncertain as present day sound measuring tools? Wow, who knew! :eek:

As i wrote:
Due to variations and uncertainties measurement results aren´t usually "the same" .

there obviously is no connection between your sentence above and my post.
Which raises the question why you cite me if you just want to post pure fantasies of yours?

Strange approach to strawmen?

The choice comes from one's head. After all, this is about audio so listening would be included. Who said otherwise? Our hearing can't outperform the present day sound measuring tools in capturing changes in sound and that gap will only get wider as the electronics technology advances.

So basically you agree with my post.

As a friendly advice;if you´d more often respond to the content that was actually written and less often to something that you only imagined you surely could contribute more sensible posts. ;)

are the results and what's my belief?

Just read the according publications and the discussions about it....
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