best full range drivers regardless of the price?

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wondering which drivers are generally considered the best regardless of the price and other constraints

edit : let's make it simple for you guys to grasp the idea of "best"
I come from the headphones enthousiast paradigm . The Abyss 1266 are pretty much the best.
a few people tried all the headphones out there. and systematically concluded that the 1266 are the best.
this information is not easy to find as you have to cross reference the opinion of a bunch of people that know what they're talking about. but it's possible if an enthousiast takes the time.
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Sorry for the snarky retort, it's just that as with all things audio, there simply is no consensus - those of us who've been playing with DIY for decades, and audio tom-foolery for even longer have certainly seen benchmarks come and go.
Price is no guarantee of anything, other than profit in the pockets at perhaps several levels of the manufacturing / distribution supply chain.
I think there are too many variables in application and use to ever reach a definite consensus about which is the ‘best’ fullranger. Any opinion about the ‘best’ driver will be entirely subjective and therefore of no use in reality. There are many, many good fullrange drivers available from all price ranges but your own confirmation bias will dictate whether any particular driver is the best for you. High cost might do it for you, or great specs, or great looks, or great engineering, or great reputation or just size.
My of diminishing returns applies, so start cheap and design well.
The best in my opinion regardless of price are the Eikona 2 and EAD E100HD MK II.

No full range speakers have their combination of qualities: they go very low (into the 30's and 20's), they have a smooth midrange, extended highs, no ringing, and very low distortion across the spectrum.

The metal Alpairs come in second (at almost 1/4 the price), but none of them handle bass like the Jordan or EAD drivers. They go higher, but -- to my ears -- not as cleanly.
There is not really possible in audio to say that something is "the best" at all. Even price doesn't reflect it fully, unfortunately.
When I've become to put myself in situation of which full-range to choose I stopped in front of two companies - Sonido and Audio Nirvana. Why those ones? Because their full-range speakers are simply full range - with proven 20kHz reaching and without cost of fortune. Pros and cons to consider and I bought AN classic 10". Now I am waiting for cabinets to be made made as flat-packs in Wilmslow Audio UK. It takes a bit of time as they are fully designed by me, with my ideas to input there. Expecting a lot - but see how it goes ;)

Some people forgets that cabinets have as nearly the same mater as drivers they put in them. And most of them trying to force their cabinets to be dead quiet while drivers work. As an Sonus Faber ex-owner I know that is not necessarily a right way to go :)
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The best in my opinion regardless of price are the Eikona 2 and EAD E100HD MK II.

No full range speakers have their combination of qualities: they go very low (into the 30's and 20's), they have a smooth midrange, extended highs, no ringing, and very low distortion across the spectrum.

The metal Alpairs come in second (at almost 1/4 the price), but none of them handle bass like the Jordan or EAD drivers. They go higher, but -- to my ears -- not as cleanly.

Here is an application for the Eikona 2.

Eikona 2
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