Complete newbie question regarding tube sound

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Nothing like that!
Attached there are the impulse responses (over precisely the same time window) of an affordable 8" full-range with whizzer cone (so no crossover) driven by low Zout amp (DF>100) and relatively high Zout amp (DF<2, typical valve amp with no feedback). The only thing that the low Zout amp does is damping the initial overshoot (left image). For the other amp this damping effect is visibly less. However for the rest of it the high Zout amp is the clear winner as the decay is cleaner and faster! I would say, having listenened to it, the high Zout amp has more control as the intial overshoot is a very short transient that has negligible impact on the end result.

Fully agree! This is just one example demonstrating the overall superiority of the high impedance drive; there are also many other aspects of it. High damping factor is good for only one thing, damping the main speaker resonance. Elsewhere in the audio band, low impedance drive increases distortion.
Fully agree! This is just one example demonstrating the overall superiority of the high impedance drive; there are also many other aspects of it. High damping factor is good for only one thing, damping the main speaker resonance. Elsewhere in the audio band, low impedance drive increases distortion.

it is a matter of finding the right impedance, not deliberately increasing impedance.

There is so many audio authors who concluded by math formulas that damping factor actually doesn't affect much the speaker resonance because it is diluted.

A damping factor of 2 would result in greater frequency response variations and is a miss for the deep bass and complex crossover control.

I don't think df is the reason for tube amplifiers to sound better.
WRT Damping Factor, the specification as cited by manufacturers is as tested at 1 Khz; it falls as you move lower into the frequency band. You cannot rely on a manufacturer's Damping Factor specification since we want the high DF at low frequencies, say, at 160 Hz and below to perhaps 30 Hz or the standard 20 Hz if you prefer.

DF as a factor in a sound system includes both runs of speaker cable plus the crossover and the drivers themselves. All these factors reduce the effective DF versus using just the loudspeaker impedance alone, so once more we have a specification that cannot be relied upon without specific system measurements at the frequencies we are interested in.

In order to increase the DF, the amplifier designer only has to increase Global Negative Feedback, an exercise that improves the specifications while degrading the Sound Quality.

So, I am inclined to dismiss Damping Factor as a worthwhile criteria in amplifier selection.
In order to increase the DF, the amplifier designer only has to increase Global Negative Feedback, an exercise that improves the specifications while degrading the Sound Quality.

1. Positive feedback by current also increases damping factor,
2. Negative feedback can be nested, not necessary Global only,
3. It is a myth with thin foundation (valid in some cases only) that GNFb degrades sound quality.
If you start to use room equalizers (that do NOT change room acoustics but just pre-distort the signal to achieve an certain result), if you use active crossovers, [...] then you are wasting your time in the search of a valve amp. All these things will dilute so much music that you won't hear substantial difference between amplifiers, regardless of their technology (valves, transistors, class A class AB, etc....)

I am pleased to hear someone saying this!
After becoming re-interested in audio only recently, I was shocked to find several brands and even self-builders happily proclaiming the use of DSPs in a speaker setup as if it was the new and fashionable thing to do. My first reaction was that that can't be a good thing, but I put it down to me being behind the times...
Nice to hear it's not just me after all. :D
Yes and no. LT spice is not the end of it, just a rough and approximate beginning. There are multiple non-linearities not only in active devices, but in all passive components as well. Many of these non-linearities have been explored in the past to varying degrees of depth, but this information largely did not get to to the books, and is difficult to come by.

A simple example is capacitor. For computer modeling, all capacitors are the same, and distortion introduced by capacitors is so small that it can be neglected. However, those sophisticated in the craft know that capacitors are not the same. Many, if not all, will add coloration to sound. To understand this, it is necessary to examine several types of distortion in capacitors due to dielectric absorption, voltage-dependent changes in capacitance, electromechanic transduction, flicker, contact effects, etc.

We are not so far from each other. But I disagree that lots of information hasn't made it to the books. And your example of a capacitor doesn't work. In my version of Spice I can enter a ESR value for every capacitor and if I want to I can add all parasitics known to me or that I can measure if I have that cap on my bench. I can add resistance for every wire and connect traces with capacitors that show capacitive coupling. It is as exact as you want or need it to be. In engineering that concept of parasitics and the equivalent circuit diagram are well known and available.
Nothing like that!
Attached there are the impulse responses (over precisely the same time window) of an affordable 8" full-range with whizzer cone (so no crossover) driven by low Zout amp (DF>100) and relatively high Zout amp (DF<2, typical valve amp with no feedback). The only thing that the low Zout amp does is damping the initial overshoot (left image). For the other amp this damping effect is visibly less. However for the rest of it the high Zout amp is the clear winner as the decay is cleaner and faster! I would say, having listenened to it, the high Zout amp has more control as the intial overshoot is a very short transient that has negligible impact on the end result.

That's an excellent point! I feel to spec an output transformer an impedance plot of the speaker connected to it needs to be available. Jeffrey Jackson did an interesting, short blog post about damping here: hifi heroin: Optimal Source Impedance....
While there is a clear definition of damping factor and feedback and both can by quantified, "degrades sound quality" can be whatever someone wants it to be.

Damping factor and other means are needed to get sound quality that means the end result, when sounds seems as real as possible. When subconscious reactions on sounds happen before you realise that sounds are reproduced by electronics.
JonSnell Electronic said:
A valve starts to heat up the anode until it doesn't attract as many electrons. Maybe that is a better description.

valve amplifiers produce odd harmonics
Most valve amplifiers, like most amplifiers, produce second (an even harmonic) as the dominant one.

shakeshuck said:
Elsewhere on the forum I was reading a loudspeaker thread where a contributor had said something along the lines of "don't try inventing anything new, this is old science and has been worked through many times"... and yet there are folk disagreeing about how things work, and arguing over the best way to do xyz...
In any new area of learning, it can be difficult to tell the difference between a debate between different schools of thought and an attempt at teaching a reluctant class who are confused about the basics. Many of the 'debates' on this forum are actually attempts at teaching - which usually fail.

In that case, where is the best place to go to get the 'correct' explanations?
You need to gain understanding and then make up your own mind. You also need to be clear what you want: faithful sound reproduction or a sound which pleases your ears.

I would like to be able to understand what is going on electrically, and to know what the end effect would be musically.
Start reading textbooks. Start building circuits. Modify them. Redesign. Listen. Measure. Repeat. Don't believe everything others tell you.

This is where I still get confused; the aim appears to be one of minimising distortion, yet is it not distortion that gives a tube system its characteristic sound?
Valve circuits can be designed for minimum distortion, and are then virtually indistinguishable from solid-state. They can be designed for more distortion, which is moving away from hi-fi, and some prefer this. There is no such thing as 'tube sound', just as there is no such thing as 'BJT sound'.

This is one of the things that annoys me with mankind as it is at the moment - surely we have enough know-how and technology to bring everything into one place, so we can sort the wheat from the chaff and arrive at some best practices.
We know how to design and build amplifiers which can reproduce a music signal. This has been known for about 60 years. For some people this is enough. Others want something different (often something less, but sincerely believing that it is something more).

It doesn't just apply to the audio world of course - the hours I've lost programming where in order to do 'a' you need to learn 'b', and to do 'b' you need to learn 'c', even though you have no interest in how 'b' or 'c' works, and 'b' and 'c' were never written with ease-of-use in mind.
Do you seek understanding or simple recipes? If you want recipes, are you willing to accept other peoples' judgements on what the result tastes/sounds like?
In programming you can always call a library function, but to get the best from a library function it helps to know how it works so you don't give it invalid parameters.
45 said:
Nothing like that!
Attached there are the impulse responses (over precisely the same time window) of an affordable 8" full-range with whizzer cone (so no crossover) driven by low Zout amp (DF>100) and relatively high Zout amp (DF<2, typical valve amp with no feedback). The only thing that the low Zout amp does is damping the initial overshoot (left image). For the other amp this damping effect is visibly less. However for the rest of it the high Zout amp is the clear winner as the decay is cleaner and faster! I would say, having listenened to it, the high Zout amp has more control as the intial overshoot is a very short transient that has negligible impact on the end result.
DF is only relevant for the bass response, not impulse response. This is because only around the bass region is the speaker mechanically well coupled to the electrical circuit.

sser2 said:
A simple example is capacitor. For computer modeling, all capacitors are the same, and distortion introduced by capacitors is so small that it can be neglected. However, those sophisticated in the craft know that capacitors are not the same. Many, if not all, will add coloration to sound. To understand this, it is necessary to examine several types of distortion in capacitors due to dielectric absorption, voltage-dependent changes in capacitance, electromechanic transduction, flicker, contact effects, etc.
Most capacitors in most circuit roles cannot colour the sound, unless an entirely inappropriate dielectric or value has been chosen. Those who think of themselves as "sophisticated" find this too simple to be true so they prefer to believe something else.


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Joined 2008
DF is only relevant for the bass response, not impulse response. This is because only around the bass region is the speaker mechanically well coupled to the electrical circuit.
The frequency response of a system is simply the Fourier Transform of its impulse response. So impulse response is enough to characterize a system over the full frequency range, including the bass.
Do you seek understanding or simple recipes? If you want recipes, are you willing to accept other peoples' judgements on what the result tastes/sounds like?
In programming you can always call a library function, but to get the best from a library function it helps to know how it works so you don't give it invalid parameters.

Perhaps it was a bad analogy under the circumstances. Of course programming isn't subjective, unless you're arguing about tools. It works or it doesn't.

I was more bleating about how some tasks which should be relatively easy are often over-complicated, and finding the easy route is often well hidden.
I was more bleating about how some tasks which should be relatively easy are often over-complicated, and finding the easy route is often well hidden.

Well, you cannot get away from what DF96 said.

Start reading textbooks. Start building circuits. Modify them. Redesign. Listen. Measure. Repeat.

Doing so, you'll gain precious experience that cannot be replaced by random forum posts. And of course, please stay safe. :)


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Joined 2008
True. For that particular speaker high DF improves the initial response (the antiphase spike is almost absent) but makes little difference to the rest. You prefer the low DF sound. That is your choice.

First that driver is not my choice because I don't like fullrange drivers with whizzer cone. The point is just that generalizations simply don't work for best results. Period.

The bass loading of that driver was a resonant type with actually two added resononces, one above and one below the driver resonance and yet they do not appear anywhere.
The improvent on the overshoot is just theroetical because it only shows up in anechoic conditions in a very narrow frequency range around the resonance. The tiny peak at resonance completely disappears in normal listening room. Room modes rule.
With other kinds of bass loading like sealed box or 1/4 wave transmission line one might not even get that, if properly done!
Instead the overall performance is measurably and audibly better aross 99% of its frequency range. It's not simply opinion but facts.
The in room FR clearly shows (high Zout on the right and low Zout on the left) that there is abosolutely no problem whatsover at low frequency. On the other side the low Zout doesn't solve the issues related to the whizzer cone as this is not "connected" and calls for a tweeter! Imagine the total disaster of a full range with a whizzer cone + a tweeter crossed-over at 2-5 KHz....
The 3-5 KHz peak is due to the whizzer cone. Nothing can be done about that whitout degrading overall performance.


  • LowZ_in-room-response.jpg
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  • HighZ_in-room-repsonse.jpg
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45 said:
First that driver is not my choice because I don't like fullrange drivers with whizzer cone.
I didn't say that the driver is your choice. You said that you preferred the sound with high Z/low DF over the alternative - that was your choice.

The 3-5kHz peak seems to be more noticeable in the high Z plot because the lower frequencies are attenuated. My reading of the plots is that low Z has a better frequency balance, although both are lumpy because of the room.

The bass loading of that driver was a resonant type with actually two added resononces, one above and one below the driver resonance and yet they do not appear anywhere.
If there is a cabinet resonance interacting with the speaker resonance then the coupling to the electrical end may be weaker. However, it remains true that most speakers are designed for voltage drive and most amplifiers (tube and others) are designed to provide voltage drive.


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Joined 2008
I didn't say that the driver is your choice. You said that you preferred the sound with high Z/low DF over the alternative - that was your choice.
You might be the only one on Earth. The FR with the higher Zout amp is unquestionably better. It is approx. within +/- 2 db from about 45Hz to 20KHz respect to the average level, except for that peak. With low Zout there are no trebles, less lower bass, more rollor-coaster!

The 3-5kHz peak seems to be more noticeable in the high Z plot because the lower frequencies are attenuated. My reading of the plots is that low Z has a better frequency balance, although both are lumpy because of the room.
The entity of the 3-5KHz peak is the same, about 4dB.
For what reason low frequency should be attenuated? There is actually more output below the driver resonance which is around 60Hz (in that box)! It's the trebles that increase with Hi Zout to make it flatter. That's the effect of coil inductance....
Lumpy? That measurement is from the listening position of a typical living room.

However, it remains true that most speakers are designed for voltage drive and most amplifiers (tube and others) are designed to provide voltage drive.
Most tube amps do not provide voltage drive at all. Voltage drive means that they keep the voltage constant with varying load for a given input. That simply doesn't happen like for SS amp.
Most of them will behave like fairly constant power sources regardless of their Zout and so flat impedance is still desireable.....
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45 said:
For what reason low frequency should be attenuated?
I am simply reporting what I see in your plots.

You might be the only one on Earth.
Yes, I am unique.

Most tube amps do not provide voltage drive at all.
I assume of course good design, which means NFB which means low output impedance. Even SET with no NFB can achieve a vague approximation to voltage drive if the output valves are big enough.

Most of them will behave like fairly constant power sources regardless of their Zout
No. It is Zout which determines whether an amp provides roughly constant power or not, which is the opposite of what you have just said. Low Z means constant voltage; high Z means constant current; middling Z means constant power.
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