TH-18 Flat to 35hz! (Xoc1's design)

pic from first th assembled completly with grills. optically also fit for corporate events.....


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You might want to also check out the DIY 60,

and DIY90,

They both use the same high quality drivers, just different horns of course.
Made to high pass at 100hz.

As far as I have been able to find, they are the loudest cleanest boxes one person can get up on a stick, either DIY or purchased.
I couldn't be happier with the ones I built. Outdoors, a pair matches well with 4-6 orbitshifters and/or labhorns

How difficult to build? Still knee deep in the thread but so far looks straight forward. Very cool reads so far.

Very nice build!

The grills are indeed the hardest part of the build. I'm lucky that a friend of mine works at a metal shop. The grills will be 3mm thick with round holes, and will be folded at the edge's.


The DIY90 and DIY60 are not really hard to build, the back pannel (where the rcf's are mounted) could be made of one straight part of wood, the cabinet will be a bit deeper, but also has a little better response in the low end.

I was also thinking to build the DIY90 ,but the BMS coax driver is over my budget :(
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i took two grills with a 5mm foam between the both. the inner grill is a simple strechmetal. so the foam doesn't flip away. my metalworker couldn't punch more than 1.5mm but in total the two grills are very solide.

the BMS coax driver is one of the best i have ever heard. i build two tops with BMS4590 (2x10"horn loaded + BMS coax on a Limmer 033 2"-Horn, 3-way self-powered). next step i want to reduce the weight by using the 4592ND (7kg less weight) but this driver is really expensive...
the double10" tops i've build 3 dears ago. it was my first build over all. they are pretty good in respect of minimal phase, frequency response and spl. but the 10" can not keep up with the BMS4590. i calculated the low mids to play between 100 to 700Hz using two Faital 10FH500 with BR tuning @ 90Hz. Spl and directivity is not do bad but the low mids do not throw as far as the mid/high. when finishing the th18s i will check if they will come together woth the tops. if not i have to think about a redisign. but thats for shure: only with the BMS.
this 6 pieces on the picture are the ones of the guys in upper austria. they told me the local dj was saying that he never heard something like this before (that doesn't mean anything😉). about 1000pax where present on that event.
but the time for personal experiencies will be coming. yesterday i got my own 8 cabinets from the painter. now it's time to do the final assembling an testing. then 28 of over all 36 pieces are finished