John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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Now when he mentioned he was playing with the AD825 you mentioned it was obsolete, truncating the conversation.

It was the AD524 an instrumentation amp not at all intended for audio. The AD825 is used by several folks here, the datasheet will invariably just be the dominant 2nd's and 3rd's since they are almost all that matters for SFDR.

BTW speak for yourself about not understanding the subject.
Regarding AD524, it is not intended for audio use. Yes I did say that. Scott has said it as well several times. Just look at the complete set of its parameters. I would repeat, that SR is only 5V/us, for example. As John has always claimed the need for high SR, I can hardly understand how 5V/us is enough suddenly.

We should keep at least an impression of a scientific debate, Ed.
My question would be for John is he only looking at that IC to learn what he can do with his new test equipment or was he intending to use that device for some unknown audio application? If it was for learning how to use his new equipment what would it matter what IC you are looking at? If for audio I would think that Scott and Pavel must have a valid point about that particular IC.
Here is the AD524 test. One load is 100K, second load is 2.2K Test conditions are in the extra sheet.


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The AD524 is a good 'first start' and the only op amp that I have set up at the moment.

It is NOT an op-amp it is a DC precision instrumentation amplifier with specific application constraints. Before someone else finds it Walt and I did an AD624 phono front end (Walt likes doing audio apps), it sounded OK for 1982. Grado 15$ cart and Pioneer TT, no pretensions to hi-end. It was split EQ with 744 as output IIRC. We didn't show it but you can drop an external pnp onto a 744 via the output and comp pins makes it quite nice and it has a lot more slew rate in the first place. At 4nV the AD624 was decent for MM, MI not SOTA.
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Regarding AD524, it is not intended for audio use. Yes I did say that. Scott has said it as well several times. Just look at the complete set of its parameters. I would repeat, that SR is only 5V/us, for example. As John has always claimed the need for high SR, I can hardly understand how 5V/us is enough suddenly.

We should keep at least an impression of a scientific debate, Ed.

I didn't think it was a debate! My point was J.C. is starting with stuff he has on hand and is easy to measure what he wants to look at.

BTW Scott gave J.C. the samples!

However Pavel I am pretty sure you understand the issue of current source capability required to drive the impedances required for low noise. After all you seem to regularly use a buffer to drive things.

One thing to keep in mind is Pavel is located where there are lot of external EMI sources while Dick has found amazing amounts of internal noise sources.

(Internal meaning in your residence.)
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