Dirt cheap prototype PCB manufactory

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Got my first PCBs from ITEADstudio today.
There was 12 pieces instead of the promised 10 :)
Looks perfect.
3 weeks from order to arrival in DK ... not bad at all :)

With regards to cut out information, ITEADstudio want this information on a Mechanical layer .... seems like the right way to do things ;)

... now I just need to order some components from Digikey to be flying :)


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It cost 10 usd for 10 boards 5x5cm at ITEADstudio.
It took 3 weeks from order until I received the boards.
Here is a good list of PCB SW https://www.olimex.com/PCB/DesignTools/

I use a very old PCB SW, because I have gotten used to this SW ... think there are many good FreeWare options today ... Eagle has a light version limited to 10x8cm boards that many uses ... KiCad looks nice ...
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