lm1875 fizzing away probelm

Was a good idea to use two lm1875 or a big stk chip

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i think il stay with the tda 8560q, but i want something like 4x50w that cn be bridged in 2x50w +100w
Change of plans,more like return to the old plan, in my my main amp that im going to build now. i want 6 tda7294 for satelites and two of them for center chanel and a transitor amp for subwoofer 500w or so.
This is going to be very cheap to build until we get to the transformer part,where im going to wind my own(primary aleardy made) using a welder transformer since they are cheap, or maybe a smps since thats even chepear.

Excuse me being a cheap @#$@:eek: but im only 13 and legal working age is 16:mad::mad::mad: so 3 more years to way until you will see me have losts of awesome stuff
Just tried the dataheet schematic on the lm1875t and one of the speakers just goes up quite a lot and makes a 50hz buzz,can you tell me what it is,maybe its because the fedback circuit on that one is near to the transformer at a couple of milimiters,tried moving it to 5cm away and the same happens,will som aluminium foild arond the trafo help
I FOUND THIS schematic on the web :cheerful: What can i use to get it up and working,and what mistakes are there,i want 300-500w at 4r:rolleyes:


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How long can you go ?:D

When you catch the fact that an amplifier is composed by the supply feeding
the various stages...you'll see that indeed it's just a bunch of devices attached
to the transformer, which purpose is to ISOLATE from the mains and to provide the suitable potentials to make everything work. In audio it's not like other fields or applications ( I'm not talking about Supreme joke ) because all
the processing determines the sound.
Now take a deep breath and read the V supply of that power output stage.
One of those transistors( VT5-12) is 4 times more powerful than a single LM 1875, just by looking at the max current that may flow trough the device, and they are 8, needing a biiiig heatsink, and a big transformer ( and a big 25A bridge rectifier! and two big caps!)
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How long can you go ?:D

When you catch the fact that an amplifier is composed by the supply feeding
the various stages...you'll see that indeed it's just a bunch of devices attached
to the transformer, which purpose is to ISOLATE from the mains and to provide the suitable potentials to make everything work. In audio it's not like other fields or applications ( I'm not talking about Supreme joke ) because all
the processing determines the sound.
Now take a deep breath and read the V supply of that power output stage.
One of those transistors( VT5-12) is 4 times more powerful than a single LM 1875, just by looking at the max current that may flow trough the device, and they are 8, needing a biiiig heatsink, and a big transformer ( and a big 25A bridge rectifier! and two big caps!)
Lol i used 40a bridge in lm amplifier,the lm1875t is weak @#$% ,i made it since it was cheap and aleardy had the trafo,and case.
I saw the voltage and yes i know need a big trafo,im not dumb,i wwill wind my own but with primary aleardy made
I think by now everybody noticed petruv is a troll who loves pulling our legs.
People like him "burn" real noobs who ask legitimate questions.

@ ezavalla: no le des pelota a este pendejo pelotudo que nos está cargando a todos.
Dice que quiere armar un amplificador con fuente +/-95Volts, pero un TDA2003 le oscila y distorsiona.

Fijate el nivel de su tecnología:

Además envuelve el trafo en papel de aluminio, dice que "no mide porque el tester no tiene pilas", que no necesita disipador porque "prueba 2 segundos", etc.
No pierdas el tiempo con esta gilada.
Un abrazo.
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I don't know if he is a troll, so I won't call names. He is very unfocussed and asks too many questions (he says he is a 13 year old kid). Most have given up on him including myself. He needs to go learn instead of asking questions so often. He needs to get his 12v chip amps working right before even thinking about discrete jobs with 190 volt rail to rail voltages!
I don't know if he is a troll, so I won't call names. He is very unfocussed and asks too many questions (he says he is a 13 year old kid). Most have given up on him including myself. He needs to go learn instead of asking questions so often. He needs to get his 12v chip amps working right before even thinking about discrete jobs with 190 volt rail to rail voltages!
um no,i get upset very easily and i WILL cuss at people that say anithing badd about me,i will leave this forum if necessary,im a desoriented person and i work on many things at once,nothing works for me but works for many others,i ont have two whole friends irl,i know what im doing and im am from a scale of 1 10 10 being pro and 1 being noob,im around 6-7.
I will leave this forum if someone like this pisses me off next time like this,you were supposed to be here to help me when i need some help,youre only making it harder on me, Im aleardy tired of living on this world.if you were in front of me right now i would have beaten you by now,the way everibody at scool beats the crap outa me untill i fall or they paint thw walls red with me,i havent died by now.
please dont call me a troll because im disoriented,im not dumb.
I wasted 2 months tryng to ge you to help me so youre the trolls,abusing of the weak and disoriented.:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::mad::mad::mad:
Well, either he is a troll *or* he's a 13 y.o. guy working *very* dangerously and ignoring safety suggestions.

To blu glo's post#157:

TAKE the foil off the transformer - it is not needed and dangerous you are close to creating a shorted turn with the transformer top plate and base. Please remove ALL silver foil.......
and post #159
Forgive me for asking but are you * OLD ENOUGH * to be working on mains?

If not you must have a suitably qualified person supervising and check your work before plugging in!

I give out information on these boards on the assumption anyone following them is suitably qualified and competent in electronics.

he answered:

Im 13 but i have been woking with 220v since i wad 9 so im very experienced
In *any* case, whether he's a troll laughing at us or he's *really* a 13 y.o. irresponsible kid working with dangerous stuff, the conclusion is the same: don't touch him even with thick gloves.
Well, either he is a troll *or* he's a 13 y.o. guy working *very* dangerously and ignoring safety suggestions.

To blu glo's post#157:
and post #159

he answered:

In *any* case, whether he's a troll laughing at us or he's *really* a 13 y.o. irresponsible kid working with dangerous stuff, the conclusion is the same: don't touch him even with thick gloves.
It seems as nobody likes me i this world isnt it so ?
the tdaa 2003 didnt work so out of frustration i killed that tda1517 with 200v from caps and it blew up into pieces,wow,very fun,im going to this to the lm1875 t s since i hate them so much since theyre crappy sounding.And costed as much as an stk 50w x2 chip. So i will kill them and burn the trafo and smash the case and then throw them all in the fire.
Chip amps are very problematic and not worth.Im going build transistor amps since theyre easier to build and cheaper
And build homemade smpsus since trafos are to expensive
THANKS for the confirmation that you are not a 13 y.o. experimenter but a very sick grown up guy, who fakes being a kid to get our attention.

You are desperate for attention, even negative.

What will you say next? :eek:

Why did I call you troll?

Well, maybe the Wiki description fits you like a glove:
Troll (Internet)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Internet slang, a troll (pron.: /ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is someone who posts inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[3]

or, from the Urban Dictionary:
1. troll

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument
just saw an old project i made called the relay amp,
It was an amp with 3 relays one at 24v on at 12 and one at 5.
Each rellay was triggered at a different voltage and made up a horrible sounding but very powerful amp.
I this worth Souping up with 200-300 relays or low rds mosfets each at different voltage,will it sound harsh or not?
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