The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

- but wire haired dachshunds are know for being the nuts of the breed.... :D:D:D

Don't worry..we have a pair of wire-haired jobs which live opposite to us. The younger one is a would-be cat killer. Yet a couple of months ago it charged our cat, which promptly turned around and ran toward the sausage. Well, he , the Dax, burned his pads by breaking so hard! The cat went up to him and rubbed noses. Poor cat killer Dax has had a bad time...they think it is PTS! :D
Look, what just came in through the bathroom window!!!! :scratch1:


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Yes, Acronman is good, and the package used just a week from Singapore to Norway.

I have a handful of K82 and J28 (both KE33 rank), I am planning a push-pull amplifier, but after some PM'ing with Michael Rothacher I decided to start with a single ended amplifier to gain some experience with the VFETs. Maybe that will help me to avoid frying the complementary pairs.

My ultimate goal is to end up with something for my Quad ESL-63s.

Robert, Arlo, Nelson and me

Some years ago artist Arlo Guthrie performed at the Tønder Festival in Denmark (Tønder Festival 2013), and I happened to be there. The very entertaining Arlo Guthrie compared his song writing to fishing. No matter how big fishes he caught, Bob Dylan would be further up the river getting the really big ones.
So is it with me (and others as well) and Nelson. I remember I once thought something like the ancient W. Marshall Leach, Jr. common-base moving-coil preamplifier topology could become a nice I/V converter for a DAC. But Nelson Pass made the D-1 DAC many moons ago, and now he also has the Zen I/V converter.
Anyway, good to have you here Papa! :)