About the healing effect of Tube-Amplifiers

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On another note, your basic base w/top plate amp could look really sexy if the base was made of granite, with a stainless top plate. Even the most basic of amp setups could be dressed up considerably with use of unusual materials. Corian mormes to mind...

I would prefer perforated aluminium. Good shielding, transparent for convection, less excited by acoustic waves. Also light, but addition of aluminium angles under heavy transformers make it sturdy. Minus: open for dust and water, but kapton film between PCBs and chassis helps.
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To put it bluntly, I think the standard perf aluminum looks like a** - there's nothing to stop one from putting appropriate ventilation holes in a SS top cover - I see it done all the time with aluminum. A sandwich of SS sheet with another material (FR-4 comes to mind) would damp vibration nicely and add extra stiffness for supporting heavy stuff, not to mention that a sheet of thick SS would be a bastard to work, and expensive as well. Pete Millett did something with an SS composite top plate in one of his projects published in Audio Express - I think it was the power tube preamp.
I so much love our hardworking neighbours.

Where else would a guy with a debilitating stroke produce a unique amp like that, build an esoteric theory around it and get himself better at the same time, simultaneously interesting the media and provoking a principled discussion with his compatriots?

That poor guy had to fake a stroke to get his wife to let him build another piece of stereo gear. His wife must have been a hippie in the 60's, so he came up with the perfect crystal laden excuse.
That being said, I work at a start-up and we do some magic injury recovery stuff and have a Tesla coil hooked to a fluorescent tube ring with spark plug wire that you hold on to for 20 minutes after our exercise. People freakin' love it. They all claim it makes their joint pain go away. We also sell sheets made of anti-static smock cloth you put on your bed and it lets you sleep better because you're grounded. $200 each, thanks, but people freakin' love them. I'll just try sleeping in an anti-static smock.
At another place I worked, we made equipment to measure nerve impulses. The signals from the dendrites of one nerve to the next are a flow of ions the come out of pores. We made a suction cup like probe that would cover one pore on the dendrite of a nerve cell and measure the current represented by the charged ions. I believe there are no SI unit names for the number of amps coming out of a pore of a dendrite on a nerve cell. They found that quartz was a great insulator for feed throughs because it didn't induce any noise in the conductors, and if there was noise, we would have seen it. Quartz cloth insulated interconnects would be really cool.
Placebo is pure healing. Magic and symbols and charms and sandstone amplifiers don't really heal you, but put your mind in a place where you can heal, or at least stop hurting yourself. Plus, if you have a stroke, you're wife will let you do anything if it makes you feel better.

SY said:
Newton was nuts.
Evidence? Newton was a man of his own era, not our era. He didn't know that 'alchemy' would one day be achieved via nuclear physics, not chemistry. Like all monotheists and many others, he had a belief in the supernatural; very common in his day, and not uncommon in our day, and by no means a sign of mental weakness. As a general rule, a belief in literal interpretations of Scripture is only regarded as a sign of mental illness in communist countries, although it may be ridiculed elsewhere. Newton was not a great physicist and mathematician in spite of his religious beliefs, but because of his religious beliefs. Of course, he didn't get everything right: I think he was a Unitarian.
One should be careful to associate the date or age with these assertions of craziness in various persona. Many people start believing in strange ideas as they near the end of life. Time to come up with the big answers or meanings to life type odysseys. Eddington, for example, took off on theories of the coincidences of very large and very small numbers in physics (formulas using some #s to get other #s). There probably are some real connections, but the problem is that it is way too easy to make formulas that work with any numbers. Or say Linus Pauling with vitamin C curing almost everything....
I heard Linus Pauling lecture when I was in college, and I have great respect for his work. However after vitamin C I fondly remember my professor announcing "Linus Pauling is senile!"

It can be result of wrong generalization. Indeed, deficit of vitamin C can lead to many bad results. Especially, when it is accompanied by deficit of other nutrients usually found in the food rich of vitamin C. Sometimes it is enough to eat small amount of something that had been depleted in order to get dramatic results.

However, mind is powerful integral part of the live body, but if the body does not have some building materials mind can't help it. Like, when building offices material for windows is absent there will be either empty holes, or total darkness that requires to burn extra electric light. Add some tiny weight of glass in respect to weight of steel and cement, and results is very different. But it does not mean that the entire building can be built from window glass, with the same properties as the result.
Stop, you're killing me (can I have one, please ?)

Intermezzo : Tens Machine
(me have the pro version, also take bets i'm the leading expert on TENS on this here forum)

Cure-Town ? :clown:

Hey Jacco, if you want, I send to you the circuit.
Pass me your email address by PM.

It really works, because electromagnetic waves has the advantage that you can cure your hemorrhoids and after that a toothache, without changing the zonda.:D
Ultimamente, cada vez que ambos intervenimos en un tópico, éste se va a la M.....A. No se porque será...:drink:

Lately, whenever the two intervene in a topic, it goes to s...t I don't know why it would be ...:drink:

Y, por la foto yo compraba....Nunca se sabe dice un amigo LW.

And you walk by his (her) photo ... You never know says a friend ham radio.
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