Sound Quality Vs. Measurements

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I had a thought about the contrast between bland/mass-market and interesting/original in music versus hifi. In music, interesting, distinctive, and original usually costs less than mass market and bland.:D

Costs are hard to quantify. If you execute plan A to earn a living and support plan B. Does plan B cost less? More importantly plan B confers freedom from agenda. There are many notable names from the ranks of plan B who had a healthy disreguard for those who soley practised plan A... and more to come....
I had a thought about the contrast between bland/mass-market and interesting/original in music versus hifi. In music, interesting, distinctive, and original usually costs less than mass market and bland.:D

Like everyone's first album. Simple. Original. Then the producers step in and Phil Specter everything. Expensive. Dull. Overproduced. Mass market electronics seem to substitute performance for features. Apple is about the only company that gets it: The interface is king. They are going to make a TV something, wonder what the AVR part of it would be like if the built one? I am thinking B&O from the 70's.

We rescued the dog from the streets five months ago, barely recognize his name, he also thinks slowly.:D

I will try your approach, but I doubt that he understands.:headbash:

Slipper helps. :D

When we brought her from shelter first she jumped on a table, second she showed me teeth when I said it's wrong place for dogs.

Now she is nice family dog. But anyway we keep her always on leash when walking because she absolutely can't tolerate when other dogs try to dominate. She can eat them for that.
Slipper helps. :D

When we brought her from shelter first she jumped on a table, second she showed me teeth when I said it's wrong place for dogs.

Now she is nice family dog. But anyway we keep her always on leash when walking because she absolutely can't tolerate when other dogs try to dominate. She can eat them for that.

Thanks for your advice, but slippers do not work, also eats them !
Here we have "hit board", of light wood, but does not work, he laughs and shakes his tail, and if we do not put the wood in a high place, also eats it.

The only solution is called resignation.:D
Actual slapping does not help. Fear of the slipper does! He must feel your serious intention. :D

My dog has learned to fear El Diablo.


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