Is PSUD II trust-worthy or not?

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I was just trying out for the first time the PSUD II and try to make as perfect as possible PS for a tube amplifier i'm making. I was able to find the right combination of caps and resistors and later on added a choke...up to that point no problems at all...the graphic drawing showed me a perfect result. The thing is that when i make an exact replica of already existing and working PS, it gives me totally different readings of voltage on various points in the circuit.:confused:
Now, my question is: can i trust PSUD or go for the already proven designs no matter what PSUD shows? Has anyone had positive/negative experience with this PSUD II?

First of all i want to thank you guys for help (seriuosly, not trying to be sarcastic), but as i said i'm new with this software and sure i am doing something wrong, there's no doubt....

I've put as many data available regarding the power transformer, and chokes letting out the ESR of the caps (i will try to get that info too) and by exact replica i ment copying the schematics i have and comparing the results. My question was only (not having any experience with PSUD) if the software was reliable and could be taken as reference...

But i'm not stopping here, i will do further research and eventually find out (i'm actually reading all posts regarding the PSUD) what is the
right way to do it or better what am i doing wrong or missing out!

p.s.: if somebody is interested i can send the copied PSUD file for a check...

@DF96: yes, i've let the voltage to stabilize for 25 seconds (which should be more than enough) and the characteristics on the graphic displayed as flat as a flat can be...with the software i defenitely got the psu right, which to me was too know..get it to work perfectly the first time.... and that's the reason why i tested the software with already proven schematics.
But ok, i'm a lot closer to understand it now, than i was before...
To get accurate results first you must measure the open circuit voltage of your transformer, always higher than the advertised voltage. Also, you need the winding resistance of primary and secondary. You must also set the Mains frequency under options. There is one gray area. When you are using the FWCT configuration, IIRC you need to use half the end to end secondary resistance. I could be wrong on this.

To get accurate results for RMS current, the simulation needs to run an integral number of cycles. 100mS is good because it's 5 cycles at 50Hz, 6 cycles at 60Hz. Use a nice long delay as mentioned above.
Right, accurate measurements of your transformer is the most critical part of the simulation. Also measure your wall voltage around the same time you measure the unloaded secondary voltage.

A schematic of your amplifier will help us confirm the load in PSUD as well. At a minimum, you need a reasonable estimate of the current draw at the target DC voltage.
I will post all the data from the transformer as soon as get home (it should happen within 5 days). And yeah, it gets pretty much the load i need. Anyway, i'm building myself an RH84, but using russian 6p14p-ev instead (they draw a little bit more current on heater as well as Ia, but they're made to last long time, and they're sturdy....ow yeah, the sound is so much better, being a lot cheaper than EL84).
As attachment i've put the schematics.


  • EL84_SE_ECC81.gif
    11.1 KB · Views: 177
So you do realize for starters your PSUD model is not close to the schematic you provided? The schematic shows FW center-tap, you have FW bridge. Schematic shows tube rectifier, you have semi. Caps and chokes are different values. You have not modeled the input stage draw. Not that it can't work, but we need to know exactly what your schematic is, not a representative one.
@zigzagflux: my bad... i know i messed up and by mistake (thinking about something else when posting) have put the wrong schematic in, and i deeply appologize. I'm not at home now and got only a few minutes per day to go online. I will continue with the project as soon as i get home, though...
Anyway, i cannot thank you enough guys....i really appreciate it.
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