my wife and my speakers

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ok i am not being sexist here. but i have observed on many occasion comments from people on this site, like:

to please the wife:eek:
out of sight:(
matching her decor:eek:
atseticly pleasing
small tiny invisable.....:bawling::bawling:
why is this? why do men love 2 huge boxes in a room:), and are proud of there dominating and well finished appearance....

where as women seem to want them out of sight, and tucked away in some dusty corner

ok this is not sexist, and is just a rule of thumb. it is possably a mild eggagaration also... but still... it does apply to some extent it seems
I have been asked how I have stayed married for almost 30 years. My answer:

Women do not understand why men NEED 500 watts or 500 horsepower.
Men do not understand why women need 7 pillows on the bed that you can not sleep on and why they must be carefully arranged every morning. Accept these things and get on with life, it's far easier than trying to figure them out.

My wife deemed the last pair of speakers that I built "FUGLY". I put casters on them and wheel them out when she is not home. One day we were wandering through an antique flea market when she spotted an old Zenith console radio made in 1941. She said "why can't you make speakers that look like that?" I bought that old radio, searched for an exact match on Ebay, stuffed some OB drivers inside them, and now have an approved set of speakers in the living room. I still wheel the home made horns out when she is not home.

Can you guess which ones are approved, and which are not?


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Ugh... yeah those are ugly speakers. Just look at them! One speaker has four screws at the top of the face panel while the other speaker only has three!

That is audio blasphemy! Acoustically AND visually imbalanced and because of that one missing screw, those horns must sound just simply terrible. No wonder your wife doesn't like them. But this is your lucky day, since I am such a nice guy, I will sacrifice some of my space in my house (the room I listen in is kind of dark, no one will notice) -- so go right ahead and send them over to me. And to show you just understanding I am -- I won't even charge you for taking them off your hands.

Best part? My wife won't mind one bit. She knows she is lucky I have this hobby as there is worse I could be spending my money on (like cocaine and fast women).
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I guess I'm one of the lucky ones then.... My wife is actually all about me building a nice set of 3 ways..... that's untill they are cranked up to something she doesn't like then I guess they'll become "garage" speakers lol

oh oh oh I think they are even fuglier! I'll give ya 5 bucks!
Consider it another set of engineering constraints. I actually like my living room to look like a living room, not a dorm room. I got over the "mine is bigger" a long time ago. Tubelab has the right idea. Some things can be explained, some not. My bigger problem is getting speakers and amps with low enough distortion she can stay in the room when they are on.

My subs and room treatments are hidden, my mains sit on ceramic elephants because that is the decor. I need to build a box to drop the TV out of sight, which will help the sound a lot too. The problem is the box the TV sits on has three amps, crossver sequencer, filters, and center speaker in it.
Joined 2004
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Personally I really like tubelab's speakers. The consoles are nice but a little too polished for me.

I got over the "mine is bigger" a long time ago.

I thought men carried that with them their whole life.

I usually wheel my wife out when I want to listen , wheel her back afterwards.

Now we're talking. :)
Ah yes, a sometimes delicate subject.

I include my wife in the design process. She's very open minded though and goes along with what I create. I know what she likes so I make stuff that way. (blond birch or pine wood, Scandinavian style, etc) Maybe I'm more fortunate than others.
Joined 2004
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Love the Zenith cabs, George. Bravo!

My wife griped for years about my giant speakers in "her" living room. Now that we have a house were I have my own listening room, what does my wife do? She goes out and buys a pair of big, old late 50s Fisher console speakers to put in her living room.

"They're furniture" she says. (And she's right)
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Joined 2004
What are women doing in the living room anyway? No mags. No TV. No me (I won't reply to anything you say) .There's nothing here for you honey. Toxic area too (smoke room). NO TRESPASSING. Wait for me in the dorm, I'm going to get charged with some Wagner.
I usually wheel my wife out when I want to listen , wheel her back afterwards..

Easier...just crank up something loud....she will leave.

Love the Zenith cabs, George. Bravo!

Those unassuming old radios each contain a Hawthorne Silver Iris 15 inch coaxial driver. They are 96+ db efficient and rated for 150 watts. I have a 125 WPC tube amp available. Any way you look at the math, they are a deadly combination.....and it wasn't even my idea! Sherri's Fostoria glassware collection must be carefully moved from the radio tops before sonic booms are created though.

That is audio blasphemy! Acoustically AND visually imbalanced and because of that one missing screw

But they are audiophile grade sheetrock screws. Each was selected to tune the cabinets for optimum reproduction. The finest quality Home Depot grade plywood was used, and each piece was carefully weighed and the screws balance out the system. :)

so go right ahead and send them over to me. And to show you just understanding I am -- I won't even charge you for taking them off your hands.

Oversize shipping from Fort Lauderdale to Canada.....Yeah, it would be cheaper to buy the stuff there.

My bigger problem is getting speakers and amps with low enough distortion she can stay in the room when they are on.

To me much of the music she likes IS distortion and vice versa. The stereo doesn't get used when we are both home.

My wife griped for years about my giant speakers in "her" living room. Now that we have a house were I have my own listening room, what does my wife do? She goes out and buys a pair of big, old late 50s Fisher console speakers to put in her living room.

We are planning for the day when I finally get "retired" from the company where I have worked for the last 39 years. Right now we have two houses seperated by 1100 miles. We will be building our retirement home from scratch, or adding on to the one up north. Yes, two living rooms are on the top of the list, preferably on two different floors. One will be the typical fare with high WAF and the other will be my "man cave" with the FUGLY speakers, one or more guitar amps, and good soundproofing. My mother in law forsaw all of this and to help convince me to retire to her hometown, she bought the house, two 47 inch 3D TV's a "man cave" approved recliner and refrigerator and even a set of drums! She left all of this to us when she passed.
That rules! But won't you freeze your rear end off if you leave South Florida?...... He will be back .......

Maybe yes, maybe no. I have been in South Florida for nearly 60 years. I have never lived anywhere else. I am ready to try something different for a while. This isn't the place I grew up in anymore. Look at all the reasons that Dade, Broward and Palm Beach county all made the top ten list of "most miserable places to live". Violent crime, government corruption, unemployment, forclosures, high cost of living.....I'll trade those for cold weather.
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