"The Wire" Remaining Headphone Amp Boards and Kits

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Joined 2004
Paid Member
Hi Guys,

I've complied a list of people's orders, and it is attached below. Please check and confirm your orders are correct. The orders are in chronological order, so those at the top of the list placed orders first.

There were a couple of items that are oversold, so here are the orders that need to be amended:

Stixx: You were a few posts too late for the SE-SE kit. I've dropped the price of the assembled SE-SE kit down to $75 and signed you up for it instead. Let me know if that's alright, otherwise you'll have to amend your order to something else.

tubesurf: There was only one PSU kit left at the time you ordered two of them. I'm going to reduce your order down to 1 PSU kit, and add one PSU PCB to your order. Please confirm that this is alright

BuildMeSomething and tom3: You were too late for PSU kits, so I removed the PSU KIT from your order and added one PSU PCB. Please confirm that this is alright.

tom3: The BAL-SE boards were sold out at the time you placed your order. I have removed them from your order. I'm guessing you'll want to remove a few PSU PCBs as well, so please re-confirm your order in light of this.

tribbs You missed the BAL-SE boards by the time you got your order in. Perhaps you can send a PM to JustFJ and ask if you can have one of his (he's down for 2). I'll leave you on the list for one PSU PCB, but I'm guessing you won't want it unless you get a BAL-SE board.

Everything is now completely sold out with the exception of the following PCBs:

SE-SE - 37 remaining
REWORK SE-SE - 4 remaining
PSU - 5 remaining

I'll send out payment requests with totals and shipping by the end of the week, and pack and ship everything over the weekend.



  • The Wire - Remaining Items List.pdf
    35 KB · Views: 62


Joined 2004
Paid Member

No problem at all! It saves you guys shipping, and saves me having to ship three separate orders. Win-win!

To answer your earlier question, each kit does indeed contain a PCB, so no need to order separately.

Terrific, the win-win was the intention, just making sure it wasn't an unnecessary burden on you!

I had guessed that was the case for the kits, assumed you would have said something by now because people ordering kits and not having a pcb to mount the gear to could be ... unfortunate!
Hi Guys,

"tribbs You missed the BAL-SE boards by the time you got your order in. Perhaps you can send a PM to JustFJ and ask if you can have one of his (he's down for 2). I'll leave you on the list for one PSU PCB, but I'm guessing you won't want it unless you get a BAL-SE board."

Everything is now completely sold out with the exception of the following PCBs:

SE-SE - 37 remaining
REWORK SE-SE - 4 remaining
PSU - 5 remaining

I'll send out payment requests with totals and shipping by the end of the week, and pack and ship everything over the weekend.


Hi Owen,
As DIY Friend, i will give 1 bal-2se pcb to TRIBBS, so i will change my order :
4 se-se pcb,
1bal-se pcb,
5 reworks pcb,
3 psu pcb,

so 1 bal-se pcb for tribbs order,
thank you
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